Chris Christie to Teach Ivy League Course ‘How to Run a Political Campaign’ – IOTW Report

Chris Christie to Teach Ivy League Course ‘How to Run a Political Campaign’

az sun times:
by Jennifer Nuelle

Former Republican New Jersey Governor and failed presidential candidate Chris Christie will teach a course at Yale University on how to run for office, according the description.

Christie, who was governor from 2010 to 2018 and dropped out of the 2016 and 2024 presidential elections, will teach “How to Run a Political Campaign” during the fall 2024 semester, according to the catalog. The course offers one credit for students, is taught once a week and is offered as an elective.

“Political campaigns in the 2020s are becoming more technology dependent, more confusing and difficult from a communications perspective and even more fraught with pitfalls and personal challenges,” the course description reads. “When deciding whether to run for any office all of these issues must be confronted in addition to the core considerations of issue positions, fundraising and the most important question of all: If I do win, what do I want to accomplish and what kind of leader do I want to be?” more

22 Comments on Chris Christie to Teach Ivy League Course ‘How to Run a Political Campaign’

  1. “The first thing you need is a lot of donuts. And mean I mean a LOT of donuts. Preferably jelly filled. Then, you need to attend ball games and threaten hecklers right to their face, with your security detail surrounding them. And always acted pissed off.”

  2. Almost as bad as Robert Reich tweeting today Elon Musky should be jailed because he is abusing free speech. And by the way the little bastard is not a dwarf. 4’10” is dwarf max height. Reich is 4’11”. So close.

  3. ^^^^^ He’s a dwarf dick head who is also teaching our kids. The man doesn’t understand a damn thing about this country. It’s getting time for good men to do bad things.

  4. President Elect Toxic Deplorable …
    Tuesday, 3 September 2024, 6:16 at 6:16 am
    “When CC’s in the room, will here be room for the students?”

    …they will be, as all good Communist acolytes are, completely up his voluminous ass.

    Plenty of room THERE.


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