Chris Christie Will Not Be White House Chief of Staff – IOTW Report

Chris Christie Will Not Be White House Chief of Staff

[…] New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman reported that Christie was not offered the position, but the governor wished to end speculation after his conversation with Trump.  MORE

12 Comments on Chris Christie Will Not Be White House Chief of Staff

  1. I think President Trump is either trolling Christie or the press when he keeps intervieiwing him when open positions arise. It’s like a running joke.
    Maybe he is actually trolling both!

    PS – I love typing “President Trump”!

  2. I lost all respect for this dude when he gave the keynote speech for Romney’s nomination and the whole speech centered around fatboy himself.
    Plus, he ruined the Republican name in New Jersey. Could have been easy pickings of a state to convert, but he botched it. (With lots of help from the Democrat Media Mafia.)

  3. Christie’s time was over when he flew down to give him his endorsement and Trump told him not to hang around and get his fat ass back on the plane and go home.

    In the words of Mika Brzenski-Scarborough, Christie is Corey Booker’s butt boy. He had him at T-bone.

    He’s a worthless, liberal RINO. Can we not just clone John Bolton for every position.

    Ted Cruz for Attorney General. Let Abbott name his successor. Clearly the Beto go-round was too close for comfort.


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