Chris Cuomo Applied for Blue Collar Job after CNN Firing but Got Rejected – IOTW Report

Chris Cuomo Applied for Blue Collar Job after CNN Firing but Got Rejected

Neon Nettle

After being fired in disgrace from CNN, former “star” anchorman Chris Cuomo applied for a blue collar job but his application was rejected.

Cuomo reportedly applied to become a firefighter but fire officials denied his application after he refused to commit the time they needed.

Cuomo was fired from the far-Left network in part due to his role in trying to help his brother, then-New York Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo, smear his sexual assault accusers.

The sexual misconduct scandal ultimately led to the ex-gov’s resignation and Chris Cuomo’s firing from CNN.

After being unable to find work, Chris Cuomo applied to be a volunteer firefighter with the East Hampton Fire Department.

However, after meeting with fire officials, it was determined that he was not able to put in the time required for the position. more

25 Comments on Chris Cuomo Applied for Blue Collar Job after CNN Firing but Got Rejected

  1. The name of Cuomo is toxic in New York — change your name, go to some little town, and start over.
    See how the fly-over country and people really live.

  2. To expand a bit more on why Chris Cuomo would not survive the training;

    This guy is soft and pampered, used to air conditioned studios and makeup sessions while being primped and pampered to look (what he considers to be) his best. The world he’s coming from requires little more physical effort than getting up from one chair to sit down in another, and the only heat he ever faces is from the studio lights for which I’m sure there’s a Production Assistant whose sole job is to keep a fan focused on him at all times lest a pearl of precious Cuomo sweat should exit his body.

    It’s a little different, Chris, than putting on your own ill-fitting boots that you shoved your bunker pants down on to previously in such a way that you can step into your boots and pull the pants up instantly as you draw the suspenders up around your shoulders, don a Nomex hood over your (perfectly coifed, in his case) hair so the heat and flames don’t have a way into your hair or face or down your neck, pull on a heavy leathery (but with much more modern materials like Nomex and Kevlar but all of which are extremely sweaty, strap 30 to 50 pounds of air tank on over that, then don a rubbery face mask that’s going to blow your own exhalation into your face and become difficult to see through very quickly if you don’t spit in it first just from your own face sweat and breath, cinch those straps up so tight that it makes impressions on your face because smoke and fire WILL find a way in if you leave one, cap it with 20 pounds of helmet that you need to cinch tightly under your chin so the first falling plaster doesn’t take it off, and all THIS must be done in 30 seconds before you can actually do anything USEFUL.

    It may be a little hard on your hairdo, and spoil the perfumed annointing of your precious little pudgy body that you sadly have to take care of yourself.

    oh, and if you think you’re basting in your own juices NOW, just STANDING there in a heavy outfit and 60 pounds of gear with a rubber thing all over your face and no exposed skin in 90 degree heat, just WAIT until you carry your pork into an actual flaming BUILDING.

    On your knees, because you’re not going to see anything any other way, and because it’s MUCH too hot up where your head would be if you were walking upright like an idiot. That’s what the heavily reinforced kneepads on your turnouts are for, and why your name is written on the ass end of your turnout coat so the guy behind you knows who you are and can call you out when you do something stupid. Also, it’s easier to search for things like dying people where they’ve fallen on the floor and kids that have hidden under beds and it also puts you in a better position to drag the large hose full of high-pressure water along the floor because a soft ass like YOU, Chris, sure as hell isn’t going to be able to pick it up.

    Not that you’ll be there long, Chris. You’ve cut and run from HARD QUESTIONS, so I’m pretty sure you’re not going to go very far into a room filled with toxic brown smoke that’s going to fall down on you when someone opens the nozzle that you’re SUPPOSED to be behind to help deal with the reaction force from, and the steam blows back on you from the wet hitting the red and things REALLY start to pop. Sometimmes litterally, because fire hoses can be quite forceful, and also because sometimes the electricity hasn’t been cut yet and water and power do not live happily together. You’re going to be back on the floor following the hose back out, Chris, by then if not before because that’s what you do, run from things that frighten you.

    And everyone you tried to train with would KNOW that. NO man is going to want YOU backing them, because they’ve all seen on CNN how who you back in a nice, comfortable studio shifts with the political winds, so if you crumple in the face of angry feminist, I’m pretty sure the first fire-driven, particle laden ACTUAL wind you encouter is going to run out out big-time, and few others would have any doubts about that as well.

    There’s a loooooooooooooooooot of other aspects of this, mentally and physically, that I’m quite sure you could not handle, Chris, but let’s skip all that and get to this “time” thing.

    “However, after meeting with fire officials, it was determined that he was not able to put in the time required for the position.”

    Seriously? You didn’t know going in that firefighting consumes a LOT of time?

    And you didn’t even want to put in the time for TRAINING?

    It’s not like you couldn’t know WELL ahead of time that it WAS a BIG time committment.

    From the FDNY Web site;

    “Step 5: Graduate From The Fire Academy
    Successfully complete an 18-week classroom and physical fitness program that includes fire service training.”

    You see that, Chris? Over 4 MONTHS of full day TRAINING.

    And if you WERE on a fire company, fires start when they start, and stop when they are stopped. This can take hours or even days to get from fully involved to no possibility of a rekindle. Months even, if we’re talking about WTC level destruction. You can’t just put your hand up and tell your Cheif “My shift’s over and i’m tired, I need to go home”. He may not be able to release the manpower or spare anyone to drive you back to the House because you didn’t drive your OWN car there, idiot, and the FIRE TRUCK isn’t leaving just to be your taxi, you self-centered, egotistial shit sack.

    Also, you’re going to be expected to do continuous training when not actively fighting fires or on standby, and you’re not just going to lounge around the House while on duty eating goose livers and fapping with Toobin on the Interwebs. No, you’re going to be scrubbing apparatus, cleaning gear, wiping out face masks, stocking trucks, charging air cylinders, hanging hoses to dry, and doing a million other things that need to be done to keep the apparatus and the personnel in immediate readiness at all times.

    If you can’t make the time for the TRAINING, that’s SURE God gonna be too much for you.

    And the training isn’t just about putting wet on red. Nope. You also have to forge bonds with people you will have to trust your life to and who have to trust YOU with THEIR life (BAD IDEA), learn to work and move and think as a unit, have procedures ground into you that are rote and predictable so you know what’s expected of you and everyone does everything the same way, learn to recognize hazards and signs of things going sideways that not only endanger YOU, but your Department brothers AND civilians in the area, INCLUDING THE PEOPLE YOU WERE SENT THERE TO RESCUE. You need to learn to take orders, but you also need to learn when there’s too much hazard and too small a chance of success to stay in an area, where pulling out too soon may mean needless loss of property and civilian lives, and pulling out too late may mean those deaths and those of your Company as well.

    It’s a little different than sitting in a studio bathed in lights reading a TelePrompTer filled with lies about someone you and your brother put poltical hatred for over the welfare of the Nation.

    And there’s the rub.


    YOU, Chris, have joined in an evil that kills YOUR FELLOW CITIZENS on a national scale, and millions of human beings on a GLOBAL scale, all because YOU think YOUR family will have a share in ruling the ruins.

    And someone is going to put their life in YOUR hands?



    …it’s good to know that SOMEONE still has high enough standards to reject your laughable attempt at being an actual man for a change. And even though it would be nice for you to have many opportunities to die, the liklihood of you taking honorable men with you is not worth it, and the idea of an incompetent ass such as yourself getting a hero’s funeral for flubbing a job he wasn’t worthy of in the first place is just sickening.

    Go somewhere and die of autoerotic strangulation with your brother instead, Chris. Even that is more than you deserve, but at least it would end any threat of you ever having a position of actual responsibility and power over the lives of others.

    Just die.

    Even CNN won’t mourn you.

  3. Goldenfoxx,
    I wouldn’t trust him not to steal if he cleaned my house.
    And he’d probably steal the change in the console of my truck if he hired on to vacuum it out.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I’ve often said politicians and people like Cuomo couldn’t hold a job in the private sector.

    “But CNN is part of the private sector”

    Really??? They’re a one-sided, Political Action Committee (where the answers AND the questions are scripted) fabricated to look like “news”!

  5. Tim – FJB JULY 20, 2022 AT 9:12 AM
    I wouldn’t trust him not to steal if he cleaned my house.”

    …which is another reason you wouldn’t want him as a firefighter. The nature of the job gets all the residents out and powers the building down, and guys with axes and pry bars demolishing parts of a struture that could be fully or completely destroyed by the fire, which also consumes and destroys valuables like jewelry and cash. The wrong person in this situation could add insult to injury to the homeowner by stealing items from the house in this chaotic situation, which is why everything possible is done during vetting to ensure that people being considered at least do not have a history of such crimes, and interviews are conducted with sly questions to try to determine if someone in that situation may have an inclination to such crimes. They also make it VERY clear at the outset that if so much as a dime is taken from the victims that the Department would land on the offender with both feet, not just firing but second degree felony prosecution as well because of it being stealth and deception.

    And you’ll probably get your ass beat as a going-away present from your former colleages on your way out as well.

    So yes, excellent reason all by itself to keep the likes of a Democrat generally and a Cuomo specifically out of other people’s houses.

    Because stealing from helpless people is a family tradition with them.


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