Chris Cuomo Disappoints Ladies On ‘The View’: ‘I Don’t See Prosecutions’ Coming From Mueller – IOTW Report

Chris Cuomo Disappoints Ladies On ‘The View’: ‘I Don’t See Prosecutions’ Coming From Mueller

DC: CNN anchor Chris Cuomo got some disappointed looks from around the table when he announced on ABC’s “The View” Thursday that he didn’t see prosecutions coming from the Mueller probe.

“This is why Don [Lemon] started calling me ‘Both Sides Cuomo,’” he began. “Here’s why. Because I don’t see prosecutions as the eventual outcome of the Mueller probe.”

Cuomo quickly qualified his answer, noting that he was not necessarily in a position to know the outcome:

I could be wrong. I’m open to it. It happens on a daily basis. I see a report coming out that is damning in terms of wrongdoing, things that people knew were wrong and did anyway, things that the president knew about and wasn’t honest about with the American people — which I believe should be the bar of accountable behavior for the highest elected official in the land — not criminality so if he didn’t commit a felony, it’s ok? That’s not our standard.  MORE

12 Comments on Chris Cuomo Disappoints Ladies On ‘The View’: ‘I Don’t See Prosecutions’ Coming From Mueller

  1. Davy January 25, 2019 at 11:04 am

    LOL! The enemy of my enemies is my President

    That’s solid T-shirt and bumper sticker material right there.

    Betcha Fur can make something with that!

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