Chris McDaniel Received More Republican Votes than Cochran did – IOTW Report

Chris McDaniel Received More Republican Votes than Cochran did

Conservative Hideout 2.0

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Should Intervene In Mississippi

Jenny Beth Martin, of the Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund is calling on the RNC to step in and do the right thing in the recent Mississippi election where entrenched establishment Republican, Thad Cochran resorted to race baiting and hiring Democratic operatives to cull Democrats for crossover votes.

Jenny Beth Martin, chair of the Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, is calling on Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Reince Priebus to intervene in the Mississippi Senate race over incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran’s reliance on Democratic voters to prevail in the GOP runoff and amid emerging claims of illegitimate ballots.

No one disputes that Thad Cochran’s vote total Tuesday was the result of crossover votes cast by Democrats — in fact, Establishment Republicans and their operatives are bragging publicly about their ‘brilliant’ strategy,” Martin said in a statement provided exclusively to Breitbart News.



9 Comments on Chris McDaniel Received More Republican Votes than Cochran did

  1. HA! Like Reince would do that. Nubian please. I’ll never forget when he went on Levin to swear, promise he was going to get the RNC behind Michelle Bachmann’s tight race last go around. He lied-guess how much they kicked in? Yep, not a fucking cent.

    Both he and Boehner saw it as a chance to get rid of her since she was running against a multimillionaire.

    If I might paraphrase Steeler’s Wheels, “…traitors to left of me, insane crony capitalists to right and here I am, stuck in the middle…”

  2. Why would Reince Priebus intervene? They think using Democrat voters is a great idea, BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING DEMOCRATS!!!!!!
    anyone who thinks there’s two parties is misguided

  3. The establishment Republicans are as corrupt as ANY Democrat. They are not our friend if you are a Constitutional conservative and are more dangerous than Democrats. They are treacherous, back stabbing, lying, duplicitous bastards and that is just scratching the surface.

  4. “What does the FEC do?”

    “The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is an independent regulatory agency established in 1975 to administer and enforce the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA). That statute limits the sources and amounts of the contributions used to finance federal elections, requires public disclosure of campaign finance information and–in tandem with the Primary Matching Payment Act and the Presidential Election Campaign Fund Act–provides for the public funding of Presidential elections.”

    Question: Who actually investigates actual VOTER FRAUD? One would think thatvwould be a major function of a FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION.

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