Chris Rock Is Sick Of The ‘Insufferable Wokeness Of Comedy’ – IOTW Report

Chris Rock Is Sick Of The ‘Insufferable Wokeness Of Comedy’

Before we begin. Who remembers this? This was from the Mayors Against Illegal Guns ‘Demand a Plan‘ anti-gun press conference during the 0bama reign.

I suppose Chris believed everything he said, but still, he looked like he was taken hostage.

And now, for the story:

Daily Caller: Chris Rock made it crystal clear on Wednesday that he’s also sick and tired of the “insufferable wokeness of comedy.”

“Seinfeld Is A Respite From The Insufferable Wokeness Of Comedy. Thank God for Jerry,” the 53-year-old comedian tweeted to his millions of followers, along with a link to an article in The Federalist titled “Seinfeld’s ‘Comedians In Cars’ Is A Welcome Respite From The Insufferable Wokeness Of Comedy.”

In the piece, it’s noted that Seinfeld was recently criticized by Vulture for not “responding” to the current political climate and changing his popular series to “woke” politics.  MORE

SNIP: By the way, a lot of those mayors had criminal problems themselves.

15 Comments on Chris Rock Is Sick Of The ‘Insufferable Wokeness Of Comedy’

  1. Chris Rock’s “How not to get your ass kicked by the police,” should be mandatory viewing for every teenager. And Chris, if you’re tired of the insufferable “wokeness” of comedy, you’re standing with the wrong crowd. Republicans have a sense of humor–it’s the Dems that are injecting politics into everything, including dining out.

  2. Chris Rock is still stupid. The president IS NOT our boss and he’s NOT our dad. He’s the PRESIDENT, a SERVANT OF THE PEOPLE and Donald Trump is doing a great job of that.

  3. It’s not our fault that comedy is “woke”–we ain’t the ones who woke it up in the first place.
    He needs to go talk to his friends and followers but somehow, I don’t think he will. He’s your garden variety shit head.

  4. LCD – I was thinking the same thing. First of all the statement is stupid like Anonymous above stated. But that’s how they viewed Barry. I guarantee he is unwilling to say the same now. But maybe, just maybe he’s now “Awake” and not “woke”. Because when I get “woke” up I’m generally confused for a bit. but when I’m Awake….watch the F…out!

  5. Awww.. the jungle bunny is sick and tired of fire that he help start. Choking on those fumes ins’t fun is it Chris? Must be hitting the ole pocket book if your sniveling about it now, right Chris??

  6. Rush Limbaugh has said repeatedly over the years: Comedy must have an element of truth in it, or it isn’t funny. This garbage the left tries to pass off isn’t funny because there is no truth in it. I stopped accepting invites to go to comedy night or to a comedy club anywhere near Seattle about three decades ago because there was little or nothing the least bit funny about 90% of the acts.

    Most of the audience was made up of leftwing shitfingers that spent half the evening looking at each other and smirking after each snipe at anything that didn’t support their worldview and what was left of the evening looking at each other and smirking every time the idiot on stage said something to validate their pet perversions.

  7. Chris Rock knew from day one of his comedy career identity politics and jokes don’t mix. Appeasing leftists never work. The #WalkAway crowd have the bucks and incentive to enjoy a Seinfield show, not snowflake SJW and Rock knows it. He doesn’t want to be left out of that profit stream, but Rock is still an Obama devotee. Mot giving him too much credit for figuring out the truth.


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