Chris Wallace On Comey: “The other thing that surprises me, frankly, is how b!tchy the book is” – IOTW Report

Chris Wallace On Comey: “The other thing that surprises me, frankly, is how b!tchy the book is”

DC: “Fox New Sunday” host Chris Wallace dismantled James Comey’s new book, A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership, during a Friday morning hit on Fox.

Wallace opened by stating he “may be the only person in America who hasn’t” received a copy of the book — set to be released next week — before saying he is surprised at “how little new there is in the book.”

“We get a lot of opinions, very unpleasant opinions of the president by James Comey, but in terms of hard facts — you know people are talking about bombshells — there are none,” he continued. “Basically everything that he said, in terms of the facts of what the president did, he already has testified before a congressional committee.”

“At one point he says while he thinks the president’s behavior may have been unethical, it may not have been illegal.”

“The other thing that surprises me, frankly, is how bitchy the book is,” Wallace sassed. MORE

15 Comments on Chris Wallace On Comey: “The other thing that surprises me, frankly, is how b!tchy the book is”

  1. Liberals, including Wallace, again fooled themselves to believe the upcoming book hype and this is it! And sadly the revelations are Trumps hands aren’t overly small but he may seem smaller in statue next to the giant Comey. I’d love to find out how all those libtards that have been buying advanced copies think of the product they got.

  2. still don’t get it, how is stories of hookers who can’t hold their water supposed to be helping the Trump win the election? ? Unless the hookers are a metaphor for hillary? Nope still don’t get it.

  3. Anyone who gives up his liberty for security deserves neither.
    FBI is supposed to be law enforcement, not a substitute for your momma or your conscience.

    Goddam self-serving bureaucrats at best, anti-American apparatchiks at worst.

  4. Bitch is not the words. I never did like that bitch. He looks on people like he is better than them. The mother fuc better have money for lawyers because is ass definitely going to jail.

  5. That says a lot to me when someone has to make reference to the size of someone’s hands, the color of their skin, or any features that they think will disparage the target. I wonder how many times Comey has been asked if he played basketball, or if he really does teach Sunday school. By their fruits you shall know them, and the fruit of Comey’s book says that about himself. I think Comey needs to go read his Bible and ask his self if he has just committed false witness, gossip, and just plan unethical behavior.

  6. It’s written like a bad parody of a high schooler badmouthing and lying about their teacher who they hate because they flunked them for Not studying.

    “Like, Mr Trump had crusty stuff in his eyes, that were like glaring at me with ultimate hatred and contempt (because I’m such a great guy and he’s not), and when he yelled there was spittle, and like the Apple I brought him was thrown into the trash by the other students because they like, suck up to him because he’s a bully… It was like a pit of vipers, okay?”


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