Chris Wallace presses Rubio on amnesty for illegal aliens – IOTW Report

Chris Wallace presses Rubio on amnesty for illegal aliens

The Right Scoop

On Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace really pressed Marco Rubio on his flip flop from the immigration bill he supported and abandoned, and his seeking an “enforcement first” policy now. The fireworks start at about the 5:00 minute mark.

image: browardpalmbeach

11 Comments on Chris Wallace presses Rubio on amnesty for illegal aliens

  1. Not that any person could ever be the perfect candidate, but Rubio’s betrayal of the Tea Party platform after they worked so hard to elect him, is the reason his poll number sank.

    We just can’t trust him.

  2. Still better than Flipflop Charlie who was running against him.
    At least, in most votes he cancels out space cadet Bill Nelson.
    Unfortunately Flipflop Charlie and his boss, who copyrighted “for the people” for his ambulance chasing service in close to stealing the gocernor’s office again. Previously, he had run as a republican and immediately shifted full left. Can’t imagine the tanned Greek freak as governor in full Obama butt kissing democrat mode.
    Our real enemy in Florida is Bill Nelson. Unfortunately, he was overwhelmingly reelected to another six year term in 2012. Looking at the vote breakout, people were voting for Nelson at a far greater percentage than for Romney. So, you had idiots who would voted for a President Romney who would be saddled down with a Senator who was completely in Harry Reid’s control.

  3. I used to watch their Sunday show pretty regularly. Then I dvr’d it and would watch it. Now I sometimes dvr it and ff though about 80% of it because I’ve already read all the in-depth accounts (from all the various angles) on the internets and/or have simply watched the congressional floor and hearings. And I cannot stand to listen to Wa-Hon williams! And that ass who was on today from the National Journal is really the last straw. Except for Baier, I can see no reason to watch Fox anymore.

    Rubio is a pol. What can you say?

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