Chris Wallace to Ben Carson: ‘Do You Worry That You’re Being Used as a Prop for Black Voters?’ – IOTW Report

Chris Wallace to Ben Carson: ‘Do You Worry That You’re Being Used as a Prop for Black Voters?’

Breitbart: On this weeks broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” host Chris Wallace asked Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump supporter Dr. Ben Carson if he was worried about “being used as a prop for black voters” by the Trump campaign.

Wallace asked, “Do you worry that you’re being used as a prop for black voters and that supporting Donald Trump will end up hurting your credibility in the black community?”


21 Comments on Chris Wallace to Ben Carson: ‘Do You Worry That You’re Being Used as a Prop for Black Voters?’

  1. Does Chrissy Wallace know he”himself” is being used as a shill for Cankles and the Cartel? Dumb and Dumber. Lefties must have some minimum level of the void in their minds to be admitted to the inner demonic circle. They have branded themselves ‘unworthy’ of human life form, going forward.

  2. Ask yourself, “Why would the ‘Committee’ pick Wallace for debate modding?” And, the last one…which people will remember on their way to the polls.

    Three guesses. The first two don’t count. 🙁

  3. ….but he’s gonna be one of the moderators during the debate coming up, so there’s that.

    (we’re all being played)

    Have you also noticed that O’Reilly has been gone for what seems like a month? Wonder why?

    Is the house of douchebaggery cards starting to come apart? CNN, ABC, NBC, FOX, RT, CBS, and the BBC…etc., …etc. – they are ALL part of the same faction (cattle ranchers) herding all of the dumbasses watching the boob tube right into the slaughterhouses.

  4. Does Chris Wall-Ass worry that his whole career is the result of nepotism and that riding his father’s coattails will end up hurting his credibility with the other journo-listers.

  5. (If Jeb was the nominee)

    “On this weeks broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” host Chris Wallace asked Republican presidential nominee Jeb Bush supporter Dr. Ben Carson if he was pleased to see that Jeb was making an attempt to reach out to the African-American Community”

  6. When Chrissy asked Michele Bachman “Are you a flake”? I thought that a man would have punched the prick in the teeth on camera
    His question to Dr. Carson, no, it’s not a question, it’s an accusation, and it is condescending and racist. Wallace is a sneakey bastard. I hope Trump is prepared for this type of shit and hands Wallace his ass on national TV.

  7. When I hit ‘read more’ the actual article had one additional short sentence. When 98% of the actual article is posted on IOTWReport, is additional linking really all that necessary?

  8. Carson’s smart enough to know that Wallace is a shill.

    The “black” community has no (ZERO) respect for independent-minded “black” men, and the race-hustling poverty-pimps (JC Watts’ phrase) will do everything in their power to minimalize them and their accomplishments. The only image of “blackness” allowed by the PC Masters is the one of the old crying negro with his hands out, begging for the crust off some white dude’s bread.

    Get em down; keep em down – the Demonrat’s motto.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Let’s re-phrase that and see what the answer might be:

    Wallace WAS asked, “Do you worry that you’re being used as a prop for THE DILDOCRATS and that supporting HELLARY CLINTOON will end up hurting your credibility in the HUMAN community?”

    There. Fixed it. Any comments?

  10. Just watch “CallmeSenator” Boxer’s exchange with Harry Alford, Chairman of The Black Chamber of Commerce, on youtube. She is racist,condescending, and stupid, but she gets a pass. The liberals are all the fucking same. It is ingrained in them, the assholes don’t realize they are racist.

  11. I vividly remember many years ago, a guy of Irish extraction was running for office in my area, a conservative democrat, he called himself. Well he addressed a gathering of Irish/Scotch Americans at a Feis. a party for bagpipes, Celtic dancing, Guinness, Tug-o-war, and so forth. His lads had managed to get him time on the main stage. So we all were their to listen:
    ” Sure I just come back from the land of Saints and scholars,” he said, in a wonderful Barry Fitzgerald brough.
    “Then why the fuck didn’t ya stay there,” shouted one obviously Republican hooligan.
    “Iovve Ireland” said the candidate.
    Then what the fuck are you doing over here? shouted the hooligan
    “Get him out of here” ,said the candidate
    “Fuck no” said the crowd, “You get to fuck outta here.”
    Just a note to the Negro who have to praise “I ain’t no way tiurd”

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