Chris Wray is Smacked Down for Dodging Question on ‘FBI Informants Dressed as Trump Supporters’ on January 6 – IOTW Report

Chris Wray is Smacked Down for Dodging Question on ‘FBI Informants Dressed as Trump Supporters’ on January 6


Chris Wray, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, appeared before the House of Representatives on Tuesday, and once again was grilled about the FBI’s knowledge of and participation in the events of January 6.

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) pressed Wray about FBI informants amid the far-right extremists that had planned the Capitol siege in advance of the Electoral College proceedings that day.

Watch as Higgins unloads on Wray for once again refusing to give a straight response to a question that the American people have every right to have answered.

“Does the FBI have confidential human sources?” Higgins asked. “Did the FBI have confidential human sources embedded within the January 6th protestors on January 6th, 2021?”

“Well, congressman, as I’m sure you can appreciate, I have to be very careful about what I can say about when…” Wray began.

“Even knowledge, ’cause that’s what you told us two years ago,” Higgins interjected. more

12 Comments on Chris Wray is Smacked Down for Dodging Question on ‘FBI Informants Dressed as Trump Supporters’ on January 6

  1. In other words, the public has no right to know anything the government mavens don’t want them to know which is most everything that they are illegally and criminally doing (which is most everything)!

  2. And yet, nothing will happen to this swamp carp. The Democrat slimebags remain unpunished. What this means is no change…to elections, Ponzi bullshit, politicians on the take, etc.

    We take our country back by force, or we face the same bullshit endlessly.

    Grant said at Shiloh “Lick ’em tomorrow”, and they did.

    There will be blood, or we lose America as founded by our great PATRIOTS of yesteryear.

  3. That reminds me a bit by Bill Cosby:

    Have you noticed that when someone friendly to the Dems is about to give an answer that makes him look good, the chair says “the Member’s time has expired but you may answer the question.”

    However, when the witness is about to be nailed to the wail, the chair says “The Member’s time has expired so shut the Hell up!”

  4. Chris Wray is a traitor, a perjurer, and a liar.

    No doubt he will die in his sleep at a very advanced age proudly dreaming of all the children he’s abused and the country he’s helped destroy.

    Ain’t he gonna be surprised?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. MattDillon,
    Assholes aren’t “hung.”
    Dicks and pictures are “hung.”
    Men are “hanged.”

    You seem to be obsessed with assholes.
    Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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