Christchurch, Conservatism, and Fascism – IOTW Report

Christchurch, Conservatism, and Fascism

American Thinker: 

The written word cannot express the true extent of the tragedy that occurred in Christchurch, New Zealand — in the hazy aftermath that always follows behind a mass shooting, at least that much is already evident.

At the time of writing, 49 people have been killed at two separate Christchurch mosques, with dozens more left injured by the shooter. Both media and public officials, in New Zealand and elsewhere have chosen to lay the blame for the killings on “conservatives.”

In fact, conservatism had nothing to do with this. We need to understand exactly how people like this shooter think, and how the media is doing that admirable goal a disservice.

How do we know that the shooter isn’t a conservative? For starters, he explicitly says that he detests conservatism twice, once in the “Q&A” and again in his more ideological section, where he devotes a whole page to it:

Q: “‘Were/are you a conservative?’”

A: “No, conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it.”

The mantra he places at the bottom of the “To Conservatives” snippet proclaims: “CONSERVATISM IS DEAD, THANK GOD.”

Instead, the shooter admits that he is an “actual fascist” — an “eco-fascist,” to be exact.


18 Comments on Christchurch, Conservatism, and Fascism

  1. “49 people have been killed at two separate Christchurch mosques…”

    Out of curiosity, how many mosques are in Chiristchurch? It’s a town of about 350,000.

    And how did the muslim at the second mosque have a gun to shoot back? Was it a handgun or long gun? I ask because it is virtually impossible to walk around in NZ legally with a handgun.

  2. And still no news coverage of the Christians being slaughtered in Africa in the past couple weeks, or the missing Yazidi slaves, or the usual Christian killings that happen every damn day.
    Good piece at Gateway about the diff in news coverage of the Florida gay bar shooting by a muslim and the CC shootings.

  3. Stolen from another site…

    “Now, there is going to likely be some disapproval of the use of “beautiful” in a posting discussing mass murder, but in this case it means that the “silver lining” that I’m referring to is about as clear and pristine as is possible to get, where the introduction of a “variable” in an experiment. Scientists employ the term “beautiful” or “elegant” to mean that the expression of the results of including the variable are unambiguous and a strong conclusion can be drawn from them.

    To wit:

    Apparently, the same gunman conducted shootings in both mosques, meaning that the variable of different shooter with different abilities to shoot people and to have the resolve to carry out the attack.

    In the first mosque shooting, the Al Noor Mosque, 41 people were killed immediately and it appears somewhere around 40 non-fatal injuries occurred.

    In the Linwood Islamic Centre, 7 individuals were killed immediately and apparently 8 individuals were wounded.

    So, what’s the difference?

    In the Al Noor Mosque, the shooter or shooters were able to roam through the mosque with impunity for at least 17 minutes, leaving and returning to “finish off” some of the wounded.

    In the Linwood Islamic Centre, the variable was introduced . . .

    Someone either returned fire with a firearm, according to the Associated Press:

    Mark Nichols told the New Zealand Herald that he heard about five gunshots and that a worshipper returned fire with a rifle or shotgun.

    . . . and/or . . . someone disarmed the gunman and chased him out, using a firearm . . .

    “The young guy who usually takes care of the mosque … he saw an opportunity and pounced on [the gunman] and took his gun,” Mazharuddin said. “The hero tried to chase and he couldn’t find the trigger in the gun … he ran behind him but there were people waiting for him in the car and he fled.”


    The presence of a firearm by a defender, whether possessed previous to the shooting, or acquired during the shooting from the shooter . . .


    In science, that is about as definitive a result as is possible, in terms of demonstrating the benefit (or harm) of a variable either being present or not being present.

    So, the conclusion that can be drawn is that in a mass shooting, the presence of a firearm in a defender’s possession reduces casualties by . . .

    300 PERCENT!

    Thus, you are four times less likely to be murdered during a mass shooting if someone other than the shooter has a firearm, in this unintended but nearly perfect experiment.

    That being the case, since criminals and terrorists will ALWAYS OBTAIN FIREARMS TO COMMIT THEIR CRIMES, IF THEY ARE COMMITTED ENOUGH, the unequivocally and unarguably safest philosophy is to make sure that individuals who could be targeted by criminals and terrorists have access to the most effective firearms possible.

    Case closed.””

  4. One guy out of 6 billion people on this earth, on that day, decided for whatever reason to do this awful thing. There is no meaning to attach to it. Nobody is to blame but the guy who did it. The MSM and leftist politicians assign blame and demand guilt. It’s what they do. That too, is meaningless.

  5. ^^ Agree w/ GGS-

    Based on posted manifesto etc, a False flag attack, staged to inflame public opinion.
    Early “news” reporting indicate it was successful, at least initially.

  6. Thank you, A.Moose.

    Can we put this into some perspective, which is being denied by all the virtue-signaling hand-wringing, and (let’s get real) automatic pieties and wailings about a “tragedy” over people we don’t know and really don’t care about? No, we don’t. If we did, there would be carrying on about the 354 terror attacks in 2019 — so far(!) — around the world by members of the “religion of peace”.

    1,956 deaths and 2,020 injuries

    And this doesn’t count the roughly 3,000 Yazidi sex slaves who now are presumed to have been murdered.

    And where are the stories about “two major jihadist attacks in recent weeks — one that took 20 lives in a cathedral in the Philippines, and another that took 32 lives in a church in Nigeria in [the] same newspapers packed with stories about the events in New Zealand”? See

  7. Seems a little strange, the writing on the guns the live video and other things, then a ready dog pile on conservatives and guns.
    An orgy of evidence that points back to the globalist.

  8. A.Moose March 17, 2019 at 4:20 pm

    Attacks bring on counterattacks.? Since when do muslims need an excuse?

    We’ve got our excuses for counter attacks. How soon we forget their faces!

    Remember 9/11 – As distributing as the pics are, take a look and don’t forget. I have very little empathy for the Muslim’s, they will kill you and not bat an eye. Their atrocities against non-islamists, are in the 1,000’s and more.

  9. The fifth suspect wanted by police was aided in fleeing to Israel for sanctuary. Only Jews get to go home to mama to get away from being arrested. This makes the Israeli Mossad very suspect as being the perps. “By way of deception” terrorists. As non-Jews, both Christians and Muslims are hated targets.

    “It remains unclear if the attackers of the two mosques were the same or there were five attackers involved. One of the terrorists managed to escape the country hours after Friday noon. The fifth attacker has defected to Israel with the help of unknown aides. No official reaction has been made by Tel Aviv or local authorities on the issue yet.

  10. These are Muslims, they wrote the book on terror beginning in Beirut when they hijacked planes full of innocents. If it visits them it is not our problem, and I really do not care.
    This doesn’t entitle them to room at civilization’s table for a discussion on terror, hell, they gave us the TSA.


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