Christian owned business may have an out to same sex marriage – IOTW Report

Christian owned business may have an out to same sex marriage

The Real Side: You may remember the case of a Christian couple from upstate New York who refused to host a gay marriage on their farm, which they often rented out as a wedding venue. When a lesbian couple sought to book the farm for their wedding back in September 2012, they were politely refused by owner Cynthia Gifford. At the time, that appeared to be the end of it. But nothing could have been further from the truth. The lesbian couple sued, and the owners were forced into a mammoth legal battle that lasted three and a half years.

For that decision to decline a same-sex couple their wishes, Liberty Ridge Farm was forced to pay dearly. At the beginning of 2016, Judge Karen Peters ordered Liberty Ridge’s owners, Cynthia and Robert Gifford, to shell out $13,000 in fines.

“The Giffords are free to adhere to and profess their religious beliefs that same-sex couples should not marry, but they must permit same-sex couples to marry on the premises if they choose to allow opposite-sex couples to do so,” the judge wrote in her decision.

Now, over two years later, the couple have come up with a way around the dilemma of having their religious beliefs clash with their chosen vocation to host weddings – they donate a percentage of their profits to organizations that seek to advocate for the strengthening of traditional marriage in America.  MORE HERE

8 Comments on Christian owned business may have an out to same sex marriage

  1. Business owner’s rights must include freedom to provide or not provide service/goods to to whomever they wish. Just as customers have the freedom to decide who they do business with.

    the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action

  2. I like it! A poke-in-your-eye solution.
    “Yes, we’ll host your same sex wedding, but know that part of your fees will go to funding traditional marriage organizations. Wait…….what? You want to cancel your event. Well……..sorry to hear that (NOT). Thank you for calling. Bye.”

  3. $13,000 fine? Pfffft; Oregon fined the Christian bakers over $100,000! One other thing the Christian farmers could do is have signs along their driveway with biblical quotations, especially ones that admonish against homosexuality. Sure, you can rent our farm, but the signs stay up!


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