Christian Photographer Challenges Northam’s ‘Wedding Cake’ Law – IOTW Report

Christian Photographer Challenges Northam’s ‘Wedding Cake’ Law


A Christian photographer is challenging a Virginia law that would compel him to work at a same-sex wedding on religious-liberty grounds.

The Virginia Values Act, passed in 2020 as one of the first acts of the newly elected Democratic state legislature, prohibits discrimination in employment and public accommodations against LGBTQ customers. If a business or employer is found in violation of the law, they could face a fine of up to $100,000 per violation. Bob Updegrove filed a lawsuit through the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia alleging that the act compels him to violate his religious beliefs by forcing him to take photos for a same-sex wedding.

“The state has a responsibility to protect my religious freedom. It shouldn’t be able to silence or punish me for living out and expressing my faith,” Updegrove told reporters after oral arguments Friday. “It’s not just my freedom at stake. It’s everyone’s. When the government can tell you what to do, what to say, and what to create, then we do not live in a free America.” read more

12 Comments on Christian Photographer Challenges Northam’s ‘Wedding Cake’ Law

  1. Umm, yeah. If you want religious liberty, allow the photographer to decline. But, we all know this isn’t about religious liberty, it is about forcing everyone to accept the left-wing doctrine.

  2. …God bless that man for trying, but that’s not how commie dictatorships roll.

    …although maybe it’s still early enough for them to want to play with him a bit. You know, let the suit go forwards, tell the “judge” to act interested, then have the State ask for and be granted continuance after continuance, each one that his lawyer will have to be paid to show up at, maybe ask for some picayune thing in the filing to be rewritten for even MORE billable hours, all the while laughing behind their hand because they KNOW the case will NEVER be heard because the Government can afford to continue it into the next Ice Age because the taxpayers, INCLUDING the photographer, are paying ALL the lawyers for THEM…

  3. There’s just no live and let live with these overbearing fuckheads. If given the slightest authority they’ll abuse it to force you into accepting their doctrine.
    From the president down to the dog catcher they just love shoving people around.
    When they’re in power they’re completely off the leash.

  4. I hope someone visits every fucking bakery in the state and demands a cake for the birthday of KKK Grand Wizard of West Virginia Robert Byrd.
    (May he rest in hell)
    The cake must be decorated with burned crosses and white hoods & robes.
    For added bonus, it must include the “N” word.
    Plus “Biden is not my president and Kamala sucks cock for a living”


  5. Liberals when Twitter kicks off conservatives: “It’s a private company! They can do what they want!”

    Liberals when a Christian baker doesn’t want to participate in a gay wedding: “You can’t discriminate! The government will FORCE you to comply!”


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