Christianity Lite: All the pomp, but zero catechism – IOTW Report

Christianity Lite: All the pomp, but zero catechism

Patriot Retort:

The New York Times is excitedly promoting Grandpa Joe as the most “religiously observant commander-in-chief in half a century.” But don’t worry. It isn’t that scary, icky Christianity. It’s Christianity Lite – or as the NY Times calls it: “a different, more liberal Christianity.”

Christianity Lite has all the pomp and ceremony without the inconvenience of actually having to live by the teachings of Jesus.

With Christianity Lite you don’t have to fill up on “good works and faith” that invariably leave you with that heavy feeling. Nope. All you need to do is call yourself “devout,” show up for church every now and then, and presto! You’re in the club! more

38 Comments on Christianity Lite: All the pomp, but zero catechism

  1. Just another of the prophecies being fulfilled as we watch, the apostate Church and an appearance of godliness that is not actually godliness because it lacks the true power of God and his communion with us through the Holy Spirit.

    Be careful, very careful, not to be deceived by it since we are in the age of deceit.

  2. Please take what I write below as my earnest understanding of His Word, though only a VERY cursory description of key points on which I hope that you will study on your own. The ONLY “scriptures” (Acts 17:11 and others) in which the Bereans (or anyone) could search out whether what the apostles taught were so, was and *IS* the Hebrew scriptures. In no way do I imagine that I have all things correct, nor does ANYONE else, rabbinic or christian. We will ALL bear our shame in the things which we ascribe to our Savior that just are not so. He will show each of us where we were wrong. But, with our hearts filled with the absolute desire to diligently guard His instructions for a set apart life, striving to enter at the straight gate, we will be with Him in His Kingdom. That is my prayer for ALL.

    Salvation is offered to the WHOLE world by the mercy of our Savior YHWH (Isa 43:11;45:21, Hosea 13:4), yet, just as ALL Israel was saved/delivered from Egypt, not ALL will remain in covenant with Him, to receive the crown of life.

    YHWH has one (echad) covenant people, Israel (not the current secular nation), and the covenant in its core expression is this, hearken (sh’emah: Hear and obey) unto His voice, to do all that He commands, and He will take you as His people (native born, grafted in, ie mixed multitude, Caleb, Ruth, et al), an adopted child of the living Elohim. Deut 8:2 is a summary of what the purpose of this life serves. Do we serve ourselves or our Creator?

    The kingdom was split, to YHWH’s purpose, but, He will regather, rebuild, restore the kingdom (Ezek 37) and separate the goats from the sheep (Ezek 20; 34:17; Matt 25:31-34). The kingdom split is foretold in the Joseph narrative (and others), but portends to the sifting of the house of Israel (Ephraim, northern kingdom, Christianity and its derivations) through the nations and adopted into Israel as Ephraim and Manasseh, which are yet to be regathered. This is the prodigal son and other parables, with Judah being the older brother who is always with the Father, though not without their own transgressions. Just as Jacob stated in his blessings, before his death, giving a double portion the birthright to his adopted grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh, which were to become (the fullness of the) nations. The scepter to remain in Judah until the Messiah is come. Now 2 days (2 thousand years) without a reigning king. The process of regathering began with His crucifixion and will culminate when He returns to fully reign on earth.

    This is why our Messiah says that He was sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matt 15:24, et al). It is by this “mystery” that the WHOLE world *might* receive salvation, but, there is more than just some mental exercise of acknowledgment of who He is and what He has done. The name (authority) which He will rule with His rod of iron (Torah) is eternal, just as He and His perfect Way are from everlasting to everlasting. He is YHWH, He changes not (Mal 3:6), praise His holy name. The resurrection of Messiah is like an exclamation point to the whole of scripture, that His Word will stand and that which He speaks will be done. We must fully rely on the FACT that He is who He says He is and will do what He says.

    YHWH is immutable (perfect and unchanging in every way) and declares that diverse weights and measures are an abomination (Deut 25:13-16). When applied in conjunction with the Word of YHWH in Deut 18:15-19 and His Anointed One in John 7:16-19, the “red letter bibles” should include EVERY WORD OF YHWH (Deut 8:3; Matt/Luke 4:4). Yet there is a collection of doctrines and traditions of men, which seems to go out of its way, twisting/folding and doing violence to His Word, only to be antithetical to a majority of His ETERNAL Word. In following these doctrine we inherit lies, vanity and things in which are of no profit. (Jer 16:19, et al). We do this blindly, without question in many cases, as if the words of men should outweigh the everlasting truth of YHWH (Ps 119:142;160;126).

    By His Word we know what has been, will be again and that He will require it. There is nothing new under the sun (Eccl 1:9, 3:15). Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear Elohim, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For Elohim shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. (Eccl 12:13-14).

    There is nothing in the writings of the apostles that is not an expansion, clarification and filling up with the complete meaning of that which is in the Tanakh (“old testament”, as if the Word of YHWH ages or could be abrogated). There is no understanding of the apostolic writings without knowing the Torah, Prophets and Writings (TaNaKh), it just is not possible. Otherwise you get what we have in “church” doctrine, twisted and folded error upon error, circular reasoning even.

    40 years YHWH made the Israel wander the wilderness with only Joshuah (born of Judah) and Caleb a gentile grafted into Israel (Joshua 14:14) of that generation (20 years old and up) entering the promised land (Matt 7:12-14). 40 years after the Resurrection Jerusalem is judged. It is now fast approaching 40 Jubilees since the Judgement on Jerusalem (70AD). The hour is late and the beginning of sorrows draws nigh! It is far past time to put away the doctrines and traditions of men. Repent (teshuvah) and return to His eternal Way.

    May YHWH bless and keep you and yours, in all that you put your hands to.
    Peace be unto you

    Covenanted Mixed Multitude of Israel

  3. Biden isn’t a non-practicing Catholic.
    He is a malpracticing one who tries to talk the talk while
    demonstrating an opposition to Christ’s teachings that puts a big smile on satan’s face.

  4. When a nation turns their ❤️ hearts souls and minds away from the Heavenly Father we get the nation we deserve. Please pray for our country. 🕊️❤️🙏

  5. Would a good practicing Catholic raise a completely worthless scumbag like Grunter in a family of crooks and perverts while selling out his country to the enemy for his own personal gain???

    Ans: No. The road apple doesn’t fall far from the horse’s ass!

  6. Real Christians don’t advocate for the murder and destruction of innocent unborn children. Biden is not a Christian, by his fruits you will know him and all of his fruits are evil. Believe me, I have a hard time praying anything good for this bastard. Trump like David confessed his sins and asked for forgiveness, joey revels in his sins and calls it progressively good. Trump was a humble man overall, joey isn’t humble but a proud and evil liar and worshipper of the power the Presidency gives him to rule over us with an iron will or worse if Kamala becomes president. They both suck.

  7. …that’s ok…The Pedophile’s pretty old, and he’s about to go find out that God is not mocked…

    “And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.”
    Matthew 6:5

  8. Any claim of religious belief uttered from a politician is only meant to provide a luster to their character. It’s meant to deceive those listening from discovering their true intent.

  9. Yes and thank you gin blossom.
    EVERY politician who touts his “faith”, esp parading it on their perpetual ‘campaign’ is no true believer.

    Like the admirable Margaret Thatcher said, it’s like being a lady; if you must tell everyone, then you’re not.

  10. I have a very simple standard for determining who is a Christian and who is not:

    Can I tell by your actions?

    That’s it.

    Public pronouncements, constant references, keeping a Bible in your desk, etc…are all red flags to me. I’m glad you told me you were a Christian because I wouldn’t have known otherwise.

    We now return to the Party of Separation of Church and State unless they think they can carjack your faith to use government as the vehicle for “christian charity”.

  11. Biden is a liar and a hypocrite.

    Whether or not he accepts Jesus as his savior is unknown to me.

    BUT – he is most definitely corrupt – most definitely a liar – most definitely a hypocrite – and most definitely an enemy of America, Liberty, and civilization in general.

    These things should not be concealed, ignored, or minimized because of his protestations of Christianity.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. I used to joke that Anglicanism was Catholicism without the Pope, and Unitarianism was Anglicanism without God.

    I guess we are supposed to be Unitarians now.

    All show, and no Go(d).

  13. …he’s probably been told to play up his “Christianity” by his CCP masters, with their end game being to use him as a false example to discredit Christianity in general when it comes time for them to Falun Gong whatever few Americans survive the other oppression, the engineered flus (more on the way you can be sure) and the fake, sterilizing, lethal “Vaccines”…

  14. The last time Pedo Joe was in church is when he stuck his hand into the collection plate, and like a true Demoncrat, he robbed the business. Humper was with him but he was busy in the bathroom smoking his crack pipe.

  15. I think a lot of folks have seen that picture on Jacobin magazine portraying Biden as Jesus.

    Further to Golden’smcomment, that visual should be updated to reflect some accuracy. One hand in an insulin patient’s wallet and the other hand on the bottom of a choir boy.

    A masked, fellow “catholic” Nancy Pelosi can be on his right hand side holding the scales of justice with a fetus on one side and stacks of cash on the other as Schumer determines the weight.

  16. “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:6-8

  17. Biden, a unrepentant reprobate has no relationship or acceptance of Christ as Savior and Lord. It’s not difficult to tell based on God’s Word.

    It is blasphemous for Biden to pretend to be Christian, which means it’s an offense and mockery of the saving grace provided by The Holy Spirit.

    The executive orders alone Biden has signed so far, prove he has no regard for The Word of God.
    Matthew 7:21-23.

    He supports abortion, promotes deviancy, a habitual liar and a thief. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.

    geoff the aardvark
    JANUARY 25, 2021 AT 9:31 made some excellent points and in reference to scripture – Matthew 7:16-20. KJV.
    “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them” exposes the spiritual condition of a man. A definitive way to know if a person is Christian.

    Until and unless Biden repents and asks God for forgivness, he will go to Hell, without the comfort of a hand basket.


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