Christianity On The Rise In North Korea – IOTW Report

Christianity On The Rise In North Korea

New Americana:  

It’s no secret that the citizens of North Korea endure a life devoid of basic freedoms under the Communist yoke of the Kim family. As North Korean escapee-turned-human rights advocate, Yeonmi Park stated in a speech, “North Korea is the only country that will put you to death for making unauthorized international phone calls.”


It’s of little wonder then that for the last 16 years, Open Doors, a watchdog site dedicated to keeping an eye on Christian persecution, has ranked North Korea #1 as the deadliest place for Christians to live. According to the website, North Korean Christians face a brutal life that is subject to hard labor camps, imprisonment and even execution. The high level of surveillance in the country, it is nearly impossible for small groups to come together in worship, nor do they dare close their eyes to pray for fear of being spotted.


8 Comments on Christianity On The Rise In North Korea

  1. I’m surprised the Chicoms haven’t whacked his fat little ass yet. They’re in a lose lose situation. They can choose between radioactive coal and no more trade dollars from Americans with two many credit cards or fix this shit.

  2. I heard that the fat one is just keeping his generals happy. It’s really a military dictatorship, and if he changed policies some military operative would off him.

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