Christina Bobb Spent Hours At Jan 6 committee Addressing Why She Tweeted a Picture of Mel Gibson – IOTW Report

Christina Bobb Spent Hours At Jan 6 committee Addressing Why She Tweeted a Picture of Mel Gibson


Christina Bobb went in front of the Jan 6 Committee on Thursday and spent six hours answering questions about her actions on Jan 6.  One key topic the Jan 6 Committee focused on was why she tweeted out a picture of Mel Gibson on that day.

Christina Bobb was interviewed on The Joe Hoft Show Friday on the Real Talk Radio Network.  Christina on Thursday spent six hours in front of the Jan 6 committee.  None of the congressmen or women on the committee were present during her conference call interview.

Christina shared some of what she recalled about the interview with the Jan 6 Committee.  She recalled calling their efforts an “inquisition,” and telling them that they were abusing their government positions to oppress their political opponents.

Bobb mention the fact that the only evidence they seemed to have that allegedly connected her to violence was a retweet of a Mel Gibson picture from The Patriot.  What a load of BS.  She got hauled before Congress to explain a retweet of a picture of Mel Gibson.  Talk about an abuse of authority and attempt to cause fear in their political opponents. more here

11 Comments on Christina Bobb Spent Hours At Jan 6 committee Addressing Why She Tweeted a Picture of Mel Gibson

  1. …the process IS the punishment.

    That’s 6 hours of torment, 6 hours of billable lawyer hours, many hours of lawyer prep, deposit with laywers to keep them on retainer, constant fear any time a tire squeals outside day or night at home or at work that it’s a governent hit squad come to deprive her of physical liberty and place her in a cell without lawyer or trial, all of her family and friends harrassed by surreptitius Yalies who will doxx them if they can’t get what they want, and on, and on, and on…

    …against all THAT, it doesn’t even MATTER if they can never put her legally in a jail cell.

    They can ruin her life quite nicely just by constantly asking leading questions about things they KNOW are false.

    And she’s not even the POINT.

    The point is to scare Joe Average and Norma Normal by example, realizing this is what’s in store for THEM if they defy tHe GoVeRnMeNt, not without reason because the governement has UNLIMITED lawyers full-time at taxpayer expense with which they can harrass ordinary citizens, and without ever having to even SHOW up but instead ask for continuance after continuance after continuance, each one of which DEFENSE lawyers MUST be paid for at PERSONAL expense.

    Unless you want a summary judgement against you by a Democrat judge, of course.

    …no, this is a clear warning to keep the heads of the peasants down.

    Working pretty well too.

    I don’t notice anyone hanging from any DC lamp posts, and all the powers of governemnt are still firmly under Democrat control.

    This isn’t over.

    For her or anyone else.

    This harrassment will continue until they feel secure enough to send us to camps instead…

  2. @SNS April 24, 2022 at 10:27 am

    > This harrassment will continue until they feel secure enough to send us to camps instead…

    Or, we stand Patriots(TM) on the platforms, with those they defend. (Destination “same”. Just a different list.)

  3. Well, I for one saw the tweeted photo of Mel Gibson with a subliminal message when I stared into his eyes and couldn’t keep myself away from wanting to sit in Pelosi’s chair. Good thing they haven’t found me yet for such a heinous thought crime, I’d be grateful to plead guilty with punishment of 27 years in solitary, instead of the 3 life sentences they want to throw at me.

  4. If I were asked why I tweeted a picture I would start with my childhood fascination with Hollywood stars and go on in Proustian detail until they finally told me stop. I’d pick up where I left off after the next question, I’m not in contempt of Congress so long as I’m answering the question. They don’t have to like the answer just so long as I’m being responsive.

  5. If I were asked, I’d say: Fer cryin’ sakes it’s HANDSOME Mel Gibson!!! Who wouldn’t retweet such a glorious image!???

    I know I am making light, but there’s SO MUCH crap going on in our dysfunctional government…that we have people still held for merely attending the January 6th rally for Trump…it is utterly maddening, Abd NO ONE on the GOP side is speaking out for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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