Christopher Steele, Who Compiled Trump Dossier For Democrats, Said His Emails Were Wiped – IOTW Report

Christopher Steele, Who Compiled Trump Dossier For Democrats, Said His Emails Were Wiped

Townhall: What is it with the Clintons and their allies? They appear to have an appalling ability to keep their emails. Hillary Clinton deleted some 30,000 communications which were under federal subpoena. Now, long after the 2016 election, the former British spy, Christopher Steele, who compiled the infamous Trump dossier for the Clinton campaign, said his emails were wiped and he no longer has the source material to his shoddy document that birthed the Trump-Russia collusion myth. The Daily Caller News Foundation reported this based on a deposition Steele took in the British court. Not only that, but he also said that these communications were wiped between December of 2016 and January of 2017. Was it wiped with a cloth? The document was political opposition research that has been debunked not by one, but two reports. 

Ex-Special Counsel Robert Mueller delivered the first shot, while the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz provided the double-tap to this piece of garbage. Horowitz’s report dealt with FISA abuses during the Obama administration, whose DOJ used this dossier to secure a spy warrant against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. In this process, it was the DOJ IG documented systematic failures in the FISA process, including DOJ officials either omitting or removing exculpatory information about Page to secure the warrants. And because the document is nonsense, some Russians named in it have decided to take legal action. more here

10 Comments on Christopher Steele, Who Compiled Trump Dossier For Democrats, Said His Emails Were Wiped

  1. Every thing (admittedly all conservative articles) I read from ’16 to ’19 said Chris worked for a REpUBLICAN. Not just any GOP but the Party’s standard bearer in ’08.

    GWB’s other disciple – he halted his campaign for 3 days in ’08 to generate support for the Stalinist take over of American companies. T.A.R.P -. FULL DISCLOSURE – I had my GM stock taken from me by TARP. Got nothing, nill, nada.
    GWB used this mans funeral to blast Don! So of course liberals now say GWB was a good Pres

    He went to his grave claiming to be a REPUBLICAN. His daughter said 2 days ago he was a “good Republican”/

    Duck Duck “John McCain Spygate”.
    correct me if He was in fact a Hillary employee

    I do not think McCain was a “D”


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