Christopher Wray Accepts Nomination for FBI Director – IOTW Report

Christopher Wray Accepts Nomination for FBI Director

Christopher A. Wray delivers a statement on his nomination by President Donald J. Trump to lead the FBI:

“I am honored and humbled to be nominated by the President to lead the FBI, the premier law enforcement organization in the world. From my earliest days working with agents as a line prosecutor to my time working with them at the Department of Justice in the aftermath of 9/11, I have been inspired by the men and women of the FBI – inspired by their professionalism, integrity, courage, and sacrifice for the public. “


12 Comments on Christopher Wray Accepts Nomination for FBI Director

  1. In the rank and file agents, professionalism, integrity, courage, and sacrifice is displayed by many, Wray’s job is to ferret out the political appointees and sluggards.
    It’s going to be a big job.
    I wish him well.

  2. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that he’s accepting the nomination while the Russia bullshit is collapsing like a house of cards. Wray wouldn’t take the job if it meant more of the same for months or years.

    We are turning a corner. Mueller, you’d better be looking over your shoulder.

  3. I wonder if he can be put in as a recess appointment immediately when congress takes their ‘well-earned’ summer recess. That whole thing amazes me – we elect them to go to D.C. and implement a new agenda, they don’t get shit done, then it’s time for a five(!) week vacation. They should have to stay there and at least clean the toilets at all the popular tourist destinations.

  4. @ThirdTwin; Interesting article but the problem I find with ZeroHedge is that the stories they print seem to be a 50/50 mix of news and conspiracy theories (which are fun to read although a touch scary at times). The article seems plausible though and I would expect the incoming FBI head ought to re-investigate the possible retribution against Flynn for his support of another FBI employee lodging a compplaint against McCabe. If found to be even 51% plausible then out he goes. At this point I don’t think your country can afford even the appearance of this sort of behaviour in departments/organizations that they need to trust. Perhaps the incoming FBI chief should take a little advice from one of the bureau’s most famous agents, Fox Mulder and “Trust No One” 🙂

  5. Will he discipline the guy who murdered Lavoy Finicum?
    Will he take the pension from the guy who murdered Randy Weaver’s wife?

    If he doesn’t then it’s same-oh same-oh.
    Another bullshitting opportunist hogging at the trough.
    When his appointment’s up he’ll get a cushy job with Goldman-Sachs.


    izlamo delenda est …

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