Chrysler Cutting 3,500 Union Auto Jobs – IOTW Report

Chrysler Cutting 3,500 Union Auto Jobs

CTH: Earlier GM cut 5,000 salaried workers and several hundred hourly jobs. Ford previously announced it would cut a total of 3,000 salaried and contract jobs, mostly in North America and India.  Now, today, Chrysler parent company Stellantis announces 3,500 auto sector job cuts.

Stellantis owns the Jeep, Ram, Chrysler, Dodge and Fiat brands. Apparently, there is something in the U.S. economy that’s happening despite the great pretending.

WASHINGTON, April 25 (Reuters) – Chrysler-parent Stellantis NV (STLAM.MI) wants to cut approximately 3,500 hourly U.S. jobs and is offering voluntary exit packages, according to a United Auto Workers union letter made public Tuesday.

The automaker is looking to reduce its hourly workforce offering incentive packages that include $50,000 payments for workers hired before 2007, UAW Local 1264 said in a letter dated Monday posted on its Facebook page. MORE

20 Comments on Chrysler Cutting 3,500 Union Auto Jobs

  1. Just another gift from the Never Trump crowd. 5/8ths of them I would not piss on if they were on fire. The 3/8th that I would piss on to stop the fire need to understand that pissing is an act of love and the banner under which they need to march is “Never a Democrat”.

  2. When the overlords are working to prevent the slaves from traveling, they don’t need as much product output.
    When your current overpriced product is not moving, you don’t need as many employees.
    When the stupid electric vehicles you are hell bent on making, despite little to no demand, won’t sell…you might as well shut it all down.
    I would say “Learn to code”, but how many of them do we really need?

  3. It’s just getting started. Once the the switch has been made to 100% EV production, things will turn super ugly for every automaker stupid enough to follow along.

  4. Just another bailout coming.
    Free money giveaway.
    Balance for 2008 tarp:
    General Motors -$11,308,238,095
    Chrysler -$1,212,849,005

    And bank bailout:
    PHH Mortgage -$5,015,832,614
    Wells Fargo Bank -$3,398,928,235
    JPMorgan Chase subsidiaries -$3,243,888,392
    CalHFA Mortgage -$2,360,253,221
    Bank of America -$2,311,102,036
    CIT Group -$2,286,312,500
    Select Portfolio Servicing -$1,795,331,996
    Nationstar Mortgage -$1,642,024,635
    Florida Housing Finance Corporation -$1,136,616,680
    CitiMortgage, Inc. -$781,746,723
    Ohio Homeowner Assistance LLC -$762,791,540
    Michigan Homeowner Assistance -$761,622,301
    Illinois Housing Development Authority -$715,615,095
    North Carolina Housing Finance Agency -$706,938,882
    CIT Bank, N.A. -$442,522,334

    The whole list here. Click on “Net Outstanding” right column.

  5. Cmnccguy,

    I also consider Afghanistan be a the Biggest FAILED Bailout in History.

    I wonder what The Ukraine will be…

    Cheers, That first post was a heck of a lot of work.

  6. Good for them. After all their union brain washes them into voting Libtard.

    ““Wait, $80k for a half-ton pickup isn’t selling?!?””

    Just wait until the end of summer. They’ll be giving them away.

  7. Anyone who knows the parable of the frog that agrees to the scorpion across the river knows what happened here.

    Unions are the frog.

    Democrats are the scorpion.

  8. Union bosses have never given a shit about union members.
    They are National/Inter-National Socialists promoting National/Inter-National Socialism and their membership is expendable.
    The simple fact is that by joining a union the member proves himself too fucking stupid and/or gullible to be worth saving. The bosses work hand-in-glove with their National/Inter-National Socialist masters and, after Ernst Röhm, Jimmy Hoffa, and the Soviet Party purges, they know that they, too, are expendable.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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