Chuck Grassley Murdered the Media and Slowly Walked Away – IOTW Report

Chuck Grassley Murdered the Media and Slowly Walked Away

84 year-old Chuck Grassley pulls the biggest mic drop pimp move I’ve ever seen!

16 Comments on Chuck Grassley Murdered the Media and Slowly Walked Away

  1. In the neo-liberal, leftist world, for them, it’s the way you THINK, how you feel-good, how the world actually is vs. how it actually WORKS.

    No clue and CLUELESS but dangerous.

    Their collectivist heads are about to explode.

  2. The ditzy little dipshit is left wondering what to do with that snippet. She can’t submit that to cnn or she’ll never work again. Haha

  3. I like Grassley except for his Iowa corn farmer ethanol gas scam schtick.

    It’s fucking up my outboard and all that farm -runoff polluted water goes into the Mississippi River which gets dumped into Lake Pontchartrain where it’s fucking up my fishing!

    Get Off My Lawn!


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