Chuck Schumer deletes staged Father’s Day BBQ photo after the internet roasts him like a cheap piece of meat – IOTW Report

Chuck Schumer deletes staged Father’s Day BBQ photo after the internet roasts him like a cheap piece of meat


[…] The latest casualty of this embarrassing BBQ photo-op is none other than Chuck Schumer, whose Father’s Day post was such a colossal, fake flop that he scrambled to delete it. But Chuck’s not alone in this BBQ blunder. Who could forget Terry McAuliffe’s July 4th photo? There he stood, like an absolute doofus, in front of a grill full of raw burgers that wasn’t even turned on—honestly, you can’t make this stuff up. more

15 Comments on Chuck Schumer deletes staged Father’s Day BBQ photo after the internet roasts him like a cheap piece of meat

  1. People who have never used a grill in their life, cooked a burger, stood around with their friends drinking beer cooking burgers, and who have never even seen a Burger King commercial . . . Yea, they’re just regular guys. Like us!

  2. “…my daughter and her wife…”

    Everything about these people is a lie, perverted, backward, and ugly. Look at this fuck with his man-tits. Drunk with power, trying to pull-off the “we’re just like you” image.

    He’s on my list of “people whose death I will celebrate.”

  3. The paper is there for fiber. the lamestream media my not be able to make things up but the Babylon Bee can with the headline, Chuck Schumer and 10 other members of Congress tell us how they like their burgers cooked. All of those burgers look old and gray to me especially the ones in the upper left corner of that picture.

  4. That kind of shit is beneath human dignity. When I was in my 20s there was a grand opening for the new Military Clothing Sales Store on Fort Lewis and a fat slob from the AAFES Northwest headquarters building on the logistic center grabbed a push broom from a laborer who worked for me and had his picture taken faking brooming off the entry way. I set off a shitstorm of a hullabaloo when likened that behavior to the stolen valor incidents that had brought down the career of a couple other phony fucks. I was standing in the background with a D handle grain scoop I had been using as a dust pan and no one who knew the bastard even flinched when my mother said it wouldn’t have surprised her if I had given the son of a bitch the Taggert treatment. She was the Chief of Accounting for the Northwest Area Exchange at the time.

  5. I missed the ‘daughter and wife’ part at first. Then I understood the cheese on the raw meat… and the roasty toasty wieners on the cold grill. The words ‘Fake and Gay’ immediately rushed to my mind… then I saw Schumer’s tits… now I’m in the restroom vomiting and confused…


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