Chuck Todd: Michael Avenatti Is ‘Probably the Best Thing to Happen to Brett Kavanaugh’ – IOTW Report

Chuck Todd: Michael Avenatti Is ‘Probably the Best Thing to Happen to Brett Kavanaugh’


MSNBC host Chuck Todd said Friday that Michael Avenatti, the outspoken attorney representing one of the women who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, is “probably the best thing to happen to” the Supreme Court nominee.

“Michael Avenatti is probably the best thing to happen to Brett Kavanaugh,” Todd said on “MTP Daily.” “All these Democrats that have been flirting with him, they’ve got to really be embarrassed by him now.”  read more

18 Comments on Chuck Todd: Michael Avenatti Is ‘Probably the Best Thing to Happen to Brett Kavanaugh’

  1. funny … Tuck Chodd didn’t think so when Avenatti came out w/ this crap over a month ago

    he was just as happy as all those other Media Squirrels to spread this garbage

  2. He had already made an impression on the public as a Creepy Porn Lawyer.

    Now here’s the rub. Nobody, but nobody, gets air time on the FAKE media (Propaganda arm of the Democrat machine) until cleared by the Soros funded Democrat machine. Period, full stop.

    The statement is maybe true, but he would have been confirmed anyway and by a wide margin if the Creepy Porn Lawyer et all wasn’t about all they had, so they went with it.

    They are in panic mode and all reason has left their numb skulls.

    This was another total overreach like the Wellstone funeral. It is not the disease it is a symptom of a dying Party that is willing to try anything.

    Threw in the kitchen sink and by that time the great unwashed were even aware that this was a hail Mary.

  3. @ ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ,

    If they had a damnable thing he and Sloppy Daniels would have never gotten airtime.

    Just the fact that they still are on anyone’s radar is evidence that te Democrats are grasping at straws.

    The day these two are relegated to the ash heap of history I will have a little concern that someone.. anyone, somewhere, has something of substance. So long as they get any coverage I feel confident they are still hedging their bet.

    At this juncture, given his idiocy, I am not at all concerned that they are throwing The Creepy Porn Lawyer under the bus to deflect from Pelosi & Schumer’s part in this. In fact I find it very comforting.

    The fact they are trying to protect these two dinosaurs and Sparticus suggests to me that their bullpen is not weak, it is nonexistent. If it were not, you do the math. They find value in protecting the fuckups who choreographed this disaster.

  4. Avenatti is the one that should be investigated for ethics violations. He is as effective as David Brock was for Hillary. The left just doesn’t get it. And spare me the phony outrage, had his smear worked they’d have him on CNN every night again.

  5. @ Brown Eyed Girl

    They have no sense of chivalry, no respect for dignity over power or they would have never conceded to this lose/lose strategy. The fact that the Democrats have embraced the lunatic fringe and without them… You do the math. This is a harbinger of things to come.

    Pelosi, Schumer and Shitstain or whatever her name is (OK it came to me it is Feinstein, did I say: I like beer) were given an ultimatum: Jump or be pushed. You do not get to choose the hill you are willing to die on any longer.

  6. Chuckles forgot to mention that the lapdog press…I mean, lapdancing, press found him to be delicious. Had the press written him off as unworthy of reporting, well….Chuckles is not very self-aware.


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