Breitbart video: Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” host Chuck Todd pressed Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez on an ad by the Latino Victory Fund that portrayed the Republican candidate for governor of Virginia, Ed Gillespie supporters as racists.
Host Chuck Todd asked, “I’m sure you’ve been familiar with the ad itself and the controversy around the ad. And the Republican Party’s response, that it was basically — Democrats don’t like it when, you know, when Republicans stereotype. Aren’t you stereotyping? I drive a pickup truck. Are all pickup truck drivers racist? That’s what the ad — do you understand why some people think the ad implies that?” read more
We are now.
Hey Chuck Todd, are all NBC hosts stupid assholes??
I don’t know about the rest of you. But I’m feeling pretty God Dxmn militant tonight.
Yes and especially those that drive F150
Damn skippy Chunk! … us Pickup Truck owner hate them sissy gurly Mom Vans & SUV’s …. we’re cis-trans-racist that way … Pickup Trucks stomp Mom Vans & SUV’s in any task … get it?
I own 2 PU’s (1 has a leaky head gasket & 286,000 miles :)) so I must be REALLLLLLY racist.
The left want to lynch Donna Brazile in the old fashioned Democrat way
When I encounter a Prius stuck in a snowbank I pull them out with my 4×4 truck. Then I let them know a conservative just saved them over $100 from a tow truck bill.
I like my little pickemup truck, phuck them.
“Girlfriend”, you say?
Where do you hook a chain to a Prius?
Around the drivers neck, perhaps?
I hope Chuck can qualify for a Darwin Award.
Chuck can drive a pick-up?
Who’s he ‘picking up’?
I must’ve been a redneck when I was younger and drove a red 56 Ford F-100 when I was in HS with a gun rack in the rear window that I actually carried a gun with me when I went to schools so I could go hunting after school. Of course it was locked and no one said anything about it back in the early 70’s and a lot of my friends and some teachers did the same thing. Try that now and your ass would be in jail. And my youngest brother also did the same thing and neither of us turned to be killers, upland bird killers maybe like pheasants, quail, chukars, Hungarian partridges (huns) etc.