Church – IOTW Report


Church by Tom MacDonald.

27 Comments on Church

  1. orsipers don’t go to church, worshippers are the church. The idea is “church” can be where ever you are, whorshippers are the church, not the building they meet in.

  2. Well… I actually loved it. I don’t want to go into a lot of unnecessary detail but I try to help individuals in my little community who are challenged by addictions. This sounds exactly like their struggles. They know what they need, they search for it, but their demons stand in the way. Broke my heart listening to it because it reminded me of them.

  3. Doc, that was a guy that has a huge fan base of the younger generation. You may not have ever heard of him, and think he is something found behind a Seattle dumpster. But there are millions of youngster who know him well. Might hate rap, his goofy tatted face, etc. But check out some of the song he has released recently. Lyrically, not the look, etc. It is better than the WAP they listen to. Look up woke ( i think thats the name) by him. I may or may not like it, but all 5 of my kids know who he is 😉

  4. Brown Eyed Girl

    Ditto, I have my own theories on addiction. Powerful message. I’m currently training at a gym that normally has rap playing. It’s growing on me. Don’t get me wrong, you’ll never find a rap song on my playlist.

  5. The message may be meaningful, but it’s like Brussels Sprouts…They may be nutritious, but I have yet been able to find a way to prepare them so they don’t taste like crap!

  6. Too much anger being projected on society and not enough acceptance of personal responsibility for life choices. That’s the problem with cRAP in general.
    Victimhood and rage. I hate that stuff.

  7. God’s grace and mercy has been what has got me thru my life over nearly the past 50 years. I was a basket case in my early 20’s and was messed up, maybe not as freaky looking as this guy but still hurting just as much. It was grace that got me thru and a whole lot of my friends who all went to the same church for nearly 30 years. Anyway as we got older the church changed and tried to become a mega church which was a big mistake and forgot about grace, especially the grace we all had experienced when we were first saved and were a bunch of freaky misfit refugees from the craziness of the early 70’s. About 20 years ago one Sunday morning one of my lifelong friends and a roommate when I was in college looked up into the balcony and saw a really freaky looking chick with tats and piercings and he thought to himself “What is this freak doing in my church.” God immediately smacked him upside the head and convicted him by saying, “Wayne, remember that was what you looked and acted like when you first came into the church 30 years ago and I’ve never abandoned you or not cared for you. Why can’t I do the same for her.” Needless to say his attitude changed, as our church got bigger we forgot about grace and mercy and thought we were the greatest church in town because of all the programs that we had and all the great things we supposedly were doing for God. We really thought our shit didn’t stink and it showed in how new people were treated and it wasn’t good. Shortly after that the church broke up in 2004 and we all scattered to different places but most of us still have a greater trust and faith in God than we did when we all were younger and know because of the way our lives have turned out that it was always about God and never about us trying to prove that we could live our lives without God’s grace and mercy. I am far more compassionate now towards the freaky people than I used to be because once upon a time I was one of them and I don’t know where I’d be without God intervening in my life when he did or if I would’ve married my wife, had 3 kids and 4 granddaughters and a new grandson to be born in either late August or early September. If God could save me as messed up as I was he can save anybody no matter how freaky and screwed up they are. And no I don’t like rap music either but if it works in getting young people to come to church I have no problem with that. The old folks who were there when I first started going to church in 1975 (now I’ve become them) probably thought the same things about us and our music and our long hair and freaky looks etc. but they accepted us as we were and that’s all that matters. It’s time we do the same for them.

  8. Extirpated and Brown eyed girl —Agree, the message is truth. I “go to church” but I hear the voice of my God through the people who help me and who I help. My people are my tru church — especially in dark times and learning to live a right life.


  9. I was an addict many years ago. I came to the end of my rope and decided to let go of it and told God if you can, deliver me from this because I can’t do it myself. I also confided in two church going men I respected I was surprised how lovingly they were and they both promised to be praying for me. God delivered me from that addiction as much as he delivered the Israelites by opening the red Sea. In my heart I know it was God alone and I have been worshipping, praising and serving him since.

  10. God’s grace is an enigma to man in understanding it but a gift to those who receive it.

    Somebody like Tom may end up with a mansion in heaven while I may only get a 2 room shack. Regardless the address will be the same and we’ll both enjoy the sacrifices Jesus made for us. It’s above my paygrade but I (an old traditional white pastor) love these songs for the messages young folks are getting.

  11. When the Jesus movement came along in the 70’s the music hit home to me. Now this generation needs their music to open up to God. Dont be offended by this, someone obviously needs it.

    If you have time in your day, pray for my son Ryan, he is in desperate need of freedom from vodka. He is killing himself. This song could be him but he needs to be set free

  12. @Charlie WalksonWater, I prayed for Ryan. My son J is killing himself with booze too. I know how you feel. He will not let me talk about Jesus with him. All I can do is pray God sends someone that will open his heart.

  13. I’m praying for you and your son, Charlie Walkersonwater. Love to you both.

    Nothing is impossible with God. Know that God can deliver your son from the curse of alcoholism that has him bound. Call out satan on this, in Jesus name and thank God for your son’s salvation and deliverance. The Word is your weapon against this attack. Go forward in this faith walk believing you and your son can be victorious.

    As you know, your son has a destiny. God loves him and will complete the good work he has begun in him. Just continue showing him love and truth.

    Lean not to your own understanding. God’s ways are not our ways, so don’t be surprised by unusual events your son may reveal how the Holy Spirit is getting his attention – making him aware that God is on his side and wants him free of addiction.

    As for yourself, keep on your knees in prayer and focus on scripture of healing and intercession. Remember God’s peace that passes all understanding. Don’t let satan consume you with guilt – there is therefore no more condemnation in Christ.
    In fact, do what brings you joy and laugh at the devil – he hates that, because he’s evil and it reminds him he’s not in control.

    Trust God with all your heart to resolve the situation positively. God loves you and your son.
    Be encouraged the sacrifice Christ made on the cross, providing the solution for sin – an eternity of freedom, righteousness and love we can experience here on this Earth, before we join him in heaven.
    God bless you and Yes, keep the faith.

  14. Those concerned about Tom McDonald need to know he is not trying to reach those over thirty.

    He apparently, has a message from God that is touching the hearts of Gen Zs and young Millenials, that have been indoctrinated by socialism and all the nihilistic lifestyles and customs that some are finding unfulling – uncomfortable.

    They are scared and feel empty. McDonald is ministering to their need for God’s love through Christ. McDonald knows it’s their only hope, even though he may still struggle.

    Sure McDonald has the markings/look of the world. Many young people are just like him who desperately need Christ.
    They are drawn to McDonald for that reason – then the Holy Spirit does the rest.
    Remember, man looks at outside but God looks at the heart.

    We as Christians should be excited to witness how the Father is bringing so many young people back to Him. He loves them so much. What a harvest!
    Don’t be legalistic. Rejoice. God’s got this.


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