Church Gives Away Over $10K Worth of Gas – IOTW Report

Church Gives Away Over $10K Worth of Gas

MyFaithNews: With gas prices surging some people are finding it hard to fill up their tanks but one church in Richmond, Virginia is solving that problem by giving out free gas. Last Saturday alone  Speaking Spirit Ministries donated over $10,000 worth of fuel to those in the Richmond community who are in need.

Pastor Fred Wyatt told WRIC, “With rising gas prices, we wanted to be able to do something special; we wanted to be able to assist our community. So we’re looking forward to today; we know it’ll be a blessing to many.”

Speaking Spirit Ministries isn’t the only church that is handing out free gas but churches all across America are doing the same thing. more

6 Comments on Church Gives Away Over $10K Worth of Gas

  1. I understand the sentiment, but I don’t see what this accomplishes … $35 of gas equals about 7-8 gallons (except in Kalipornia) in today’s prices … enough for another week, depending on one’s commute

    people are going to need food in the near future, not a gas gimmick
    start developing a food bank network for the community … how do people get fresh water? … think, people!

    they’re already rioting in Peru because of their Marxist government has higher gas prices & massive inflation … just like our Marxist government is creating here

  2. Let me guess, they ran out of other people’s money and had to close the free give away. Another reason why I do not give money to churches, especially The Salvation Army. They’re at the top of my “S” list. Life lessons…

  3. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ: Do you see any food drives happening? No, because it isn’t Thanksgiving or Xmas. Poor people only eat at those two occasions. Charities do not like handling stuff people drop off. They’d rather have the cash in hand and they do what they want with it. Over and over again where I live, during any disaster, they want $$$. I dropped off a case of Marathon toilet paper at a local church during the fire evacuations. Worse TP ever! It came in handy though – noro virus attacked the evacuees. Homeless took up over half of the facilities and goods. Evacuees complained – but heh, the church didn’t turn them away.

    Ask yourself, what about the next day and the next? It’s never going to be enough. It’s like giving out candy and everyone wants more.

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