Church of Satan distances itself — from Hillary! – IOTW Report

Church of Satan distances itself — from Hillary!

American Mirror:

When news circulated that Clinton once thought “all the time” about being an ordained minister, jokes appeared about her religion.

“I thought that she was already running the Church of Satan,” one Twitter user wrote, which prompted a response from the Satanists.

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16 Comments on Church of Satan distances itself — from Hillary!

  1. It Had Never Occured To Me, That She Doe’s This Crap Because She Thinks She’s Really Good ! The Black Folks Clapped Because You Are Famous, Any Other Time And You’d Be Skinned Alive !!!

  2. Satan appreciates the fact that with Hillary and the other Democrats he doesn’t have to spend any time, attention or resources on them. They are already in the bag which leaves him considerable time to concentrate on everyone else!

  3. She did not read the fine print on the contract when she sold her soul.

    The terms of the contract were “and you will live in the white house”- as FLOTUS Satan came through with flying colors. Classic case of overreach.

    Satan likes a good laugh when he can get one- who wouldn’t? He saw Hillary put the screws to Bernie (Bernie sold out on the cheep- he just wanted “a job; you know the kind where I don’t have to work but I still get 3 houses” so Senator from Vermont you are and Senator from VT you stay) so this election cycle Satan did not have any souls under contract so he just made some popcorn and enjoyed the show.

    That is my interpretation- I don’t claim to have any special inside info on the inside scoop of the Evil One.

  4. She worshiped Alinsky who worshiped satan… that’s close enough for me, but there are people out there who know her leanings, and have talked about them. A little research might surprise.

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