CIA in the News  – IOTW Report

CIA in the News 

The CIA loves legacy and believes in family for recruitment. The news is a great place for them to land. How and why do so many offspring and relatives of the members of the intelligence community end up in show business, sports, the political world and the arts? What are they doing? What is their agenda? –CIA in the News – CIA Series Pt 2.

7 Comments on CIA in the News 

  1. Those offspring and relatives are themselves members of the intelligence community, and work in the propaganda, indoctrination, and thought control areas of MINITRUE.

  2. This sounds like Operation Mockingbird which was sopposedly discontinued back in the 60’s. Apparently, Operation Mockingbird is like every othe government program or agency. They never end, just morph and metastasize.

    And the Buck Sexton thing with Rush Limbaugh is really freaky, but now I’m seeing Erick Erickson in a different light. He wanted the Rush replacement gig so badly, but he only managed to get Rush’s time slot in Atlanta, and he never got the CNN spot he wanted.

    Is it because he is an outsider to the CIA, and he was never going to get those spots, no mayter who he brown-nosed? Or is he a discreet CIA operator, unlike Buck, and he’s on a different disinfo/manipulation track?


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