CIA official, top Romney aide joined board of Ukraine gas company Burisma – IOTW Report

CIA official, top Romney aide joined board of Ukraine gas company Burisma

Well, what do you know? The bug up Mitt’s a$$ has a name.
Joseph Cofer Black.

Sharyl Attkinson: According to an article published in the Huffington Post shortly after President Trump was inaugurated, a former top CIA official joined the board of Burisma, Ukraine’s largest provider of natural gas.

Burisma is the oil and gas company at the center of a controversy about former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, who also served on Burisma’s board.

The article says that Joseph Cofer Black would be “leading the company’s security and strategic development efforts.” Black had served in various CIA positions under Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush.

According to reports, Cofer Black was a “top Romney aide.” MORE

25 Comments on CIA official, top Romney aide joined board of Ukraine gas company Burisma

  1. So?

    It’ll never gain traction and get much coverage in the MSM.

    If the MSM doesn’t make it important it isn’t important in the public’s perception.

    That’s just the way it is.

  2. The fact that China, Ukraine and other countries can blackmail all of these politicians is being left out of the stories. What would Biden and Pelosi do to protect their sons from being exposed?

  3. Probably Burisma’s only legitimate hire.
    You’d kinda figure a Blackwater dude would be knowledgeable about security.
    Not like the Biden conspiracy – where one knows nothing and the other’s an idiot.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I bet that if you scrutinize everyone who speaks against the “appropriateness” of POTUS Trump’s conversations with Zelensky, you will find some kind of direct, substantial connection to Burisma or long-time swamp dwellers who stood to gain in some way or another. I bet Burisma is one of the worst kept secrets in D.C.

    I think it’s time to throw some light on Susan Collins, too.

  5. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.
    1 Timothy 6:10

  6. …how does one go from being a junior congressman or senator who has to sleep on their D.C. office couch to become a multi-millionaire in a few short years with no other enterprise than being a public employee?

  7. Cleaning up the swamp has been a dangerous mission from the very start. I am surprised that President Trump has been as effective as he has been. We can all see that the gloves are off now. The leftists don’t even care about the survival of the party now, it is all about personal survival of their dirty dealing and self-enrichment.

  8. ….Ukraine, during the oblowme years, was designated “one of the most corrupt countries” in eastern Europe and – my oh my — who was doing business with them? Everyone has so much on each other it was like a blood oath, in Mafia terms.

  9. To Anonymous et al who say this won’t make the press reports and nothing will come of it – It is common to read about this type of report in the conservative news/blogs weeks, if not months, before the leftists finally air partial bits of it in their lame attempt to appear unbiased. When they finally do report on it they get to use that favorite statement “See, we report these stories”. Better late than never.
    Don’t lose hope and definitely don’t be a “Doubting Thomas”.
    Another way of jumping on the reporting band-wagon is to print this stuff out, or re-post/tweet, and share it with everyone in your circle of influence. Make sure the full information is available, not just the Readers Digest version.
    Your negativity, while understood, is discouraging others.
    We need to be encouraging each other, especially when the Fit Hits the Shan. We’ll need your bright cheery smile in the trenches, not the constant sourpuss “oh whoa is us”.

  10. Anonymous at 11:34 am, I think the smell of money is all the odor he senses. I’m surprised he doesn’t notice the retching going on all around him as his shit-soul wafts around him like Pig-Pen’s dirt cloud.

    #*Menotu, well said! Thank you.

  11. Oh, and by the way. CLICK ON THE LINK.
    “It’ll never gain traction and get much coverage in the MSM.”
    Sharyl Attkisson links through to a HuffPost article dated Feb 2017.
    The Huff&Puff reported on this in 2017.
    We couldn’t see the full picture of corruption in 2017, so here we are in 2019 putting all of the pieces of the puzzle together and using the liberal news as source to show exactly how deep this goes.
    I would say that is a direct refutation to both the “never gain traction” & “{never} get much coverage”.

  12. Utah has become the second “Vatican City”. Now all LDS politicians are suspect in putting the affairs of the “Organization” (church global expansion) ahead of the US Constitution and USA sovereignty.

  13. 1harpazo, And always has been. Add Glen Beck to the list. He may not be a politician, but he converted for success. IMO.
    Just recently a friend of ours, who is a seasonal worker for a business in Bryce Canyon, was told that if she were Mormon they would be paying her $1.00 more per hour. Our friend is a Christian so this didn’t sit well. Won’t be returning next year.

  14. #*Menotu-
    That’s what I’m talkin’ bout! *high five* Great attitude. There are bread crumbs everywhere. We just have to pick them up and fling em at the liberal crows.
    OK . that’s weird…You know what I mean. lol


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