CIA sounds alarm over capture, killing of dozens of informants: report – IOTW Report

CIA sounds alarm over capture, killing of dozens of informants: report


The CIA has called on its frontline spies to step up their operational security around the world after dozens of informants have been arrested, killed or otherwise compromised in recent years, the New York Times reported Tuesday.

A cable sent last week from top US counterintelligence officials to every agency station and base included the exact number of human sources arrested or executed by rival services — a detail that is typically a closely guarded secret, the Times reported.

The document lays several issues at the feet of case officers responsible for recruiting new informants — including poor tradecraft, underestimating the counterintelligence prowess of foreign agencies, and focusing on recruitment without paying proper attention to potential risks. It goes on to remind officers to focus on those issues in addition to bringing new sources into the fold. more

17 Comments on CIA sounds alarm over capture, killing of dozens of informants: report

  1. Not a great time to be helping the United States when the people illegally running the United States want the people helping the United States DEAD, and will do whatever they have to to make that happen.

  2. Informants? Don’t you mean “snitches”?
    We all know, “snitches get stitches, and end up in ditches”.
    I’m thinking that the CIA’s bigger problem, isn’t poor tradecraft, but the sloppy security, non-existent vetting and leaky intelligence that is part-and-parcel of any of the FedGov three letter agencies.

  3. They probably left all the names and addresses of everybody on the hard drives in Afghanistan?
    I used to think they were there to protect the interest of the United States, but due to the list of crap they’ve pulled off, it’s hard to get my care meter going.

  4. When you have a left wing, kenyan, lying, “leader” for 8 years things go down hill pretty fast. Trump tried to pull us outa the swamp, but look at where we are now…….

  5. At this point, we believe NOTHING coming out of the US government. They have cried “Wolf” too many times, accusing all the wrong suspects as the enemy… notably, all white people, unvaxxed people, non-believers in CRT, gun-lovers, Christians, Trump supporters, hetero-normal people… too many enemies on their list.

    Why don’t they look in the mirror? ALL of the Deep State is the enemy, and they are part of it.

  6. This is absolutely and 100% by design. It is done in order to send a message to others that in the future anyone who opposes the progressive movement’s allies will be exposed if they help the American efforts to deal with terrorist regimes and entities throughout the world.

    The progressive movement exists in order to implement Satan’s desire to increase innocent suffering, misery and death. The progressive movement, individually and collectively, wish to serve their master. Any effort to frustrate their delivery of additional innocent human suffering, misery and death is seen as something that complicates their mission to serve their master here on earth.

    That is EXACTLY what this is all about and to not recognize it as such when it is evident is nothing less than complicity.

  7. Gee, flood the government with left wing faggots and foreign spies because you’re too busy trying to fuck over US patriots, and guess what happens? Buuuut TWUUUMP!!!… Fuck the goddamn CIA… worthless upper crust fucks.

  8. Can’t say that I want anybody to die but I surely would be fine if most all the 3 letters (CIA/FBI/NSA/IRS, etc.) got sucked into a black hole—a very deep, very black hole. You know, like Whoopie’s.


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