CIA Weighs Creating Special China Unit in Bid to Out-Spy Beijing – IOTW Report

CIA Weighs Creating Special China Unit in Bid to Out-Spy Beijing

Why doesn’t the CIA just look at Hunter Biden’s laptops? And phones.
And President Grandpa.
And …

Newsmax: The Central Intelligence Agency is weighing proposals to create an independent “Mission Center for China” in an escalation of its efforts to gain greater insight into the U.S.’s top strategic rival, according to people familiar with the deliberations.

The proposal, part of a broader review of the agency’s China capabilities by CIA Director William Burns, would elevate the focus on China within the agency, where China has long been part of a broader “Mission Center for East Asia and Pacific.”

Mission centers are stand-alone entities that utilize resources from across the CIA in line with agency priorities. In the intelligence bureaucracy, a separate China center would make it easier to secure headcount, funding and high-level attention for China-related activities, according to three current and former officials who spoke about the internal deliberations on condition of anonymity.

Existing mission centers include those for counterintelligence, counterterrorism and the Near East. more

13 Comments on CIA Weighs Creating Special China Unit in Bid to Out-Spy Beijing

  1. The CIA is funded (aside from their illegal drug/arms running program) by Congress via black budget.

    This “program” is none other than a congressional slush fund, much like Nancy’s beefed up Capital Hill Police budget. No one really knows where OUR money goes.

  2. More social justice CIA employees, new facilities and yet larger Budget $Billions of dollars !!
    What do we as taxpayer receive in return?
    The same failed results and more CIA intelligence gained by monitoring white privilege, white rage and double the indoctrination of CIA employees regarding white terrorists.
    I do not have respect for the CIA, DOJ or the FBI to do the right thing.

  3. I know where our money goes, right out of our pockets and directly into the thin air floating around Washington, never to be seen again. Don’t believe me?, see if you can find it.

  4. What’s the point? The CIA is so inept, the China Unit would be staffed with Chinese double-agents anyway. Or, because of “equity”, they could only hire blacks as field agents. They will blend in with the locals.


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