Cincinnati sees estimated 78 heroin overdoses in 2 days – IOTW Report

Cincinnati sees estimated 78 heroin overdoses in 2 days

— Cincinnati police are asking for the public’s help in trying to identify the source of the suspected heroin behind an estimated 78 overdoses in just two days.

Meanwhile, Hamilton County officials say they will seek funding for treatment and expanded response teams.

County officials are calling the latest onslaught of overdose cases a public health emergency, and county Health Commissioner Tim Ingram says the number of emergency-room incidents over the last six days was “unprecedented.”

Emergency rooms estimate they had 174 suspected opioid overdose cases this week, including three deaths. Last year, accidental drug overdoses killed 3,050 people in Ohio, an average of eight per day, state officials say.  MORE

17 Comments on Cincinnati sees estimated 78 heroin overdoses in 2 days

  1. And here’s the problem – they provide Narcan to counter the effect of the drug, so the addict figures he can take a stronger dose because someone will save him. This stuff was cut with elephant tranquilizer and GIVEN away!

  2. This is why we can’t legalize drugs.
    The addicts expect us to protect them from themselves at great cost.
    Now, if we could fence in some useless real estate, like say NYC, and let them have at it with a place for them to drop off their dead, it would be OK.

  3. The police have one guy in custody for this. I think they caught him in West Virginia but I’m not sure. The OD count is up to 100 with one death. Some asshole out there wants to give his heroin an extra kick so it is believed the heroin has been boosted with elepant tranquilizers.

  4. I’m sorry to hear people not give a .. about it – it could very easily be a family member or someone you know. I had a friend who tried heroin ONCE and wouldn’t do it again – he said the high was so good you wouldn’t be able to help yourself. He had MS and was on extremely strong painkillers if that gives a clue to its effects.

    Another friend’s daughter was finally able to get off of it and has been clean for six months. Yes, it was her choice to try it in the first place but she’s no less precious. She’d be dead now if she hadn’t quit and that was only because we BEGGED several rehab places until they opened a spot for her.

    Heroin is cheaper and easier to get than pot. Thanks, Obama, for that oh-so-secure border.

  5. America has troups on the ground in Afiganistan – the poppy could be delta with. Or if there is a group moving weight – from the top man to the mule – give’em the same needle.

  6. In fact, when I worked at UC Hospital in the ER, we’d have ’em come in and say they think they had too much, and watch me for the next 12 hours, ’cause if I die, bring me back. I crap you negative.

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