Cincinnati Woman Accused of Hitting Another Woman with a Toilet Seat – IOTW Report

Cincinnati Woman Accused of Hitting Another Woman with a Toilet Seat

CINCINNATI (WXIX) – A Cincinnati woman was indicted by a Hamilton County grand jury after she attacked another woman with a toilet seat, Prosecutor Joe Deters said.

20 Comments on Cincinnati Woman Accused of Hitting Another Woman with a Toilet Seat

  1. Dang it, they got me. In the past when a story about a violent woman was reported, I would have assumed it was a black woman. Now, I assume it’s a man in a dress. Maybe next time I should hedge my bet and assume it’s a black man in a dress.

  2. Huh. Hadn’t heard about that one. Can’t find where that was at but Cincy has many and expanding shit neighborhoods, especially since they closed the projects to make neckbeard housing and dispersed the hood rats all over the county with Section 8 so Democrats could take it over, so I’m not surprised, that’s why I left the countu after living and working and serving in it for 50+ years.

    Joe Dieters is actually a pretty good prosecutor, not sure how much longer he’ll last, because he actually wants to put criminals away. But he won’t have a ton of time for this because he spends WAY too much time trying to deal with Affirmative Action judges releasing vermin early because, equity, or something…

    Deters: Judge’s early release decision ‘a slap in the face’ to victims of 2018 crime spree
    Kevin Grasha
    Cincinnati Enquirer
    Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said his office has appealed a decision by Juvenile Judge Kari Bloom to release a 20-year-old from juvenile detention one year earlier than had been agreed upon by all sides.

    In 2018, the 20-year-old was charged in a crime spree that involved car thefts in Indian Hill and Madeira, as well as multiple burglaries. Offenses also occurred in Cincinnati, Green Township, Delhi Township and Woodlawn, officials said.

    In one incident, prosecutors said he was involved in stealing a Bluetooth speaker, and the victim was punched and kicked. ”

    …so he won’t have a ton of time for The Toilet Seat Terror.

    Could have been worse.

    She could have hit the toilet seat with her face instead.

    Either way, I wouldn’t look for anything to happen here.

    Even when Hamilton County DOES jail someone now, they can’t keep them from escaping.

    But they have a lesbian sheriff in charge of the jails and the courthouse, so that’s the REAL important thing. /s

  3. Ed357
    JULY 30, 2022 AT 11:27 AM
    “A child’s toilet “training” seat…..
    makes sense……??”

    …maybe. But I was in a loooot of pretty sketchy houses back in the day, and seats weren’t always attached well to the toilets nor toilets attached well to floors, and actual water wasn’t available for them as often as you might hope; but that never meant they didn’t still get used…

  4. Florida man/woman replaced by Ohio man/woman.

    We have a lot of feral women here in Ohio. it is not a race issue. I do believe the water is tainted in southern Ohio.

  5. Eugenia
    JULY 30, 2022 AT 1:14 PM

    “I do believe the water is tainted in southern Ohio.”

    …you’re more right than you know. Part of Hamilton County gets its water from the Fernald Aquifer, where the radioactive Feed Materials Center was sited and is STILL a Superfund site.

    The other half draws from the Ohio River, downstream from the filth of Pittsburgh from the Allegheny and the coal slurry of WVa down the Monongahela, and is lined with combined sewer plants so everyone gets to drink everyone upstreams’ waste.

    But the politics are more toxic than all that. With the election of mayor Aftab Pure Evil, Cincinnati is now full retard Communist and poisons its peoples minds, spirits, and bodies as Communists inevitably do.

    So raise a glass to the SW OH crazy communist city.

    Just don’t look in that glass.

    Or drink from it.

  6. We need a Dept. of Alcohol, Toilet-Seats, and Firearms to keep track of these things – which should be registered and licensed.

    Let’s call it the ATF!

    And appoint one of my chillens to Direct it!


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