Cincinnati’s Plan to Replace First Responders May Get Innocent People Killed – IOTW Report

Cincinnati’s Plan to Replace First Responders May Get Innocent People Killed


Why do some cities continue to try and “cut corners” with their police budgets?

I know that the whole “defund the police” program has given some an excuse to do so, believing that it’s the best thing to do for the sake of their community. But it’s more than often backfired, resulting in soaring violent crime and residents leaving their city behind, looking for greener—and safer—pastures.

The city of Cincinnati recently put a Community Responder program in place, with citizens set to answer “non-emergency issues reported to 311 and 911 that do not require a police officer’s response.”

While that may sound innocent, it’s really a cost-cutting move so that some hard-working police officers and firefighters can be cut out. And they have decided to do something about it. more here

8 Comments on Cincinnati’s Plan to Replace First Responders May Get Innocent People Killed

  1. Ive said it before and Ill say it again.

    You cant go by what a 911 caller tells you.

    They may not know the whole situation.

    They may be under duress.

    They may be lying.

    This has gotten people killed before.

    This will get people killed again.

    …but like I said, Cincinnati and the surrounding Hamilton County are fully Communist now.

    So they will have to learn the harsh lessons of Communism all over again for themselves.

  2. …but these idiots have ABSOLUTELY no clue about how much people lie on 911 calls, about what, and most importantly WHY.

    And they apparently have NO idea how fast a scene can go South if its already emotionally charged when some other family/friends/ gang members join the party.

    I used to be on the output side of a 911 call.

    The dispatch information is just a STARTING point, you NEVER take it at face value until you have trusted friendlys on scene.

    And as for “radio for assistance immediately and get back up right away”, putting aside how unlikely it is that the “assistance” will be avaliable “immediately”, or the call for it even be HEARD, let me ask you this;

    What makes you think youll be allowed to live long enough to CALL for it?

    Sample comm;

    “2 Sam 81, emergency traffic”.

    “2 Sam 81, go with your emergency”

    “I need 8 Sam units respond my location immediately for multiple assaults”

    …Read that in real time and see how long that takes, while theres unrestrained mayhem busting loose in yo face.

    …and that assumes that you can be coherent, the radio works, no one else steps on your transmission, dispatch hears it, and that you can opnely get through all that with someone committing violence to you hearing it.

    And it also assumes you are allowed to live long enough to get the radio out in the first place.

    …shit like this can only be dreamed up by someone whos never actually BEEN on ANY sort of emergency scene…or someone who REALLY doesnt care WHAT happens to people they send to one, as long as they can virtue signal.

    Its ignorant or its evil, take your pick.

    Either way, yes, its going to get people killed.

  3. There are a lot of assumptions in this article;

    1) That the good people of Cincinnati are getting an appropriate return on investment from funds already allocated to policing. Are the cops they have now doing their jobs adequately and not costing the city millions in lawsuits from abused rights and excessive force?
    2) That civilian aides (which are already in place in most major cities now) can’t do the menial bullshit tasks (working the desk, filing reports, signing off fix-it tickets, vehicle abatement complaints,etc.) thus, freeing up the real cops to do real police work.

    This looks to me like just another union power grab ,”We want the city to think our jobs are so damned important and vital, that even minor clerical jobs can’t be handled by lesser-paid civilian employees”.

    Cities should constantly examine their expenses; it is their duty as good stewards of citizens’ tax money.


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