Circling Vultures: The far left is at war with Biden and it’s getting out into the open – IOTW Report

Circling Vultures: The far left is at war with Biden and it’s getting out into the open

American Thinker:

By Monica Showalter

We think of Joe Biden as a Democrat wretch whose main focus is on thwarting President Trump. 

But have you gotten a load of the war he’s having with the far left of his party? Those guys seems to be circling in for some kind of kill.

Three things leap out offhand.

First, socialist Bernie Sanders let the cat out of the bag about why there’s been no stimulus checks for ordinary Americans bearing the burden of the COVID shutdowns, which is extremely bad public relations for Joe Biden’s Democrats.

According to the New York Post:

Sen. Bernie Sanders admitted that fellow Democrats, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, were responsible for delaying urgently needed coronavirus relief by walking away from the White House’s offer of a $1.8 trillion coronavirus package.

In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper Monday, the socialist two-time presidential candidate noted Pelosi’s hypocrisy in endorsing a smaller bipartisan $908 million deal last week after rejecting the twice-as-large proposal from President Trump in October.

“Democrats walked away from that deal because they wanted $2.2 trillion,” Tapper said.

“That’s right!” Sanders (I-Vt.) responded, confirming it was Democrats, not Republicans, who were to blame for months of inaction.


16 Comments on Circling Vultures: The far left is at war with Biden and it’s getting out into the open

  1. It was never going to be Biden. The goal was to get Harris in the top slot. This is just the media following their orders and doing the job they’ve been tasked with.

  2. ” The goal was to get Harris in the top slot.”

    Yeah, I agree with that, but I’ve been wondering: Is it to get her there immediately or in the next election after Biden decides he can’t run again because of age or health related conditions?

    A full term for Biden would serve the transitional purpose to get Harris accepted by the American people while an immediate transition would generate too much opposition to her Leftist agenda and endanger her reelection.

    IMO, which is worth what it is worth and nothing else.

  3. @Anonymous IMO, immediately. If they get the presidency along with the Senate, getting any individual “accepted” will be unnecessary. Our elections will be sham elections. Shows put on to fool the useful idiots.

    I’ve thought for a long time that Biden would be president for several months to make deposing him appear legit. I now think that it will be about two weeks. He never has bought into the progressive agenda. The architects of this coup have no need for someone who is mucking things up. It’s been a 100 year process to get to this point. Their not going to let an old senile white man screw it up.

  4. Does anyone think there will be another fair election if this isn’t stopped now?
    It wasn’t fair this time and if they gain power it’s over.
    Dictatorships never go away willingly.

  5. The Supreme Court is adverse to any involvement in the election process but this is a dangerous and irresponsible position. They should be able to see that Joe will quickly be out and the country will be steered directly into the shoals with the placement of Harris as the Commander in Chief.
    The implications for that outcome will be catastrophic for the republic which is hanging by a slender thread.
    At least half the nation feels {and correctly so} that there was massive fraud in this election and along with that most rational, informed people have lost any trust in the government institutions.
    If this continues without intervention this country as constitutionally formed will be unrecoverable.

  6. Why would I continue to pay taxes?

    Not only are the elections rigged and my vote diluted, but even the machine selected candidate is to be replaced with slight of hand, disenfranchising every single taxpayer.

    This can not stand.

  7. Just maybe they think or are fearful that Trump will win the lawsuit and be inaugurated and Biden is and will be the whipping boy for all the fall out. They’re getting ready for that potential outcome?

    Either way I think Joe will have to go as he’s stating to smell like last week’s fish.

  8. The democrats are not a unified party, there a collection of anti-American ideologies. People are republicans because they believe in what American is. People are Democrats because they believe American owes them something.

  9. The more I read and listen to the various differing opinions the more I realize nobody really knows what is going to happen, just that it is very likely that half of the nation is going to be really unhappy about it.

  10. Good point, Hanz.

    But I can also see him dropping out, exposing the scam and leaving Kalanchoe to fend for herself. Because he’s an asshole and it would keep the heat off his China shit. He’s dumb, but he has an ego bigger than 0bama and President Trump, combined.

  11. Biden was acceptable as a candidate because he was an empty suit. Biden is a white, older man who has done virtually nothing in 50 years in public office to distinguish himself in any way. This guy really didn’t campaign, and his biggest policy declaration was that he was going to raise taxes. Absent the media dragging Biden’s carcass through the election process and massive voter fraud, there is absolutely nothing to justify his election. Just look around at your own friends and acquaintances – is there really anyone who was enthusiastic about a President Biden? Biden’s only positive attribute to most Democrats was that he wasn’t Donald Trump.

    But the left knows that its policies are not popular with the vast majority of Americans. One of my favorite lines during the Democratic primaries is from Andrew Yang, who complained that he was “literally trying to give people money” and still no one would support him. So the left put Biden in a box and had him promise to select a woman of color as his Vice President – thus Kamala Harris. Do Americans want Kamala Harris anywhere near the White House? No, she was also a Democrat primary candidate who received no delegates and dropped out even before her home state primary. American voters care about who is President – the Vice President can be anyone so long as he or she doesn’t fall asleep during state funerals.

    If the Democrat left succeeds in finessing Harris in as President, I think this may damage the Democrat party for many years. Harris may be popular with the elites (i.e. people without a lick of common sense), but not with most Americans. Even if the Senate obtains a Democrat majority, I believe there will be enough Senators (and Congress members) who are spooked enough by the down ballot results that the Democrats will not have the lock step they had in the past. In the case of the average Democrat voter, you can lie to them (and Democrat candidates usually do), but playing them for fools may cross the line.

  12. How many in the nation get their news from the media loyal to the state? These people aren’t going to know what the hell is going on because they are going to be fed 24/7 from the all things are wonderful because we’re in charge menu.

    Despite what the stock market is indicating, we are in very deep shit right now because of the Covid scamdemic. Eventually the proletariat will figure that out but by then, will it be too late?

    We still have our guns, lots of guns. But we won’t if the Dem’s get control of the three branches of government. That Jack, is a fact.

    I feel that it’s a huge mistake to think that there are still rules in this game.


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