Citibank has gun control requirements for clients and small businesses – IOTW Report

Citibank has gun control requirements for clients and small businesses

Breitbart: Citi group, the fourth-largest bank in the United States, has announced it will no longer do business with clients that do not meet a host of progressive gun control requirements, none of which are mandated by federal law.

In a blog post, Citi group announced:

Under this new policy, we will require new retail sector clients or partners to adhere to these best practices: (1) they don’t sell firearms to someone who hasn’t passed a background check, (2) they restrict the sale of firearms for individuals under 21 years of age, and (3) they don’t sell bump stocks or high-capacity magazines. This policy will apply across the firm, including to small business, commercial and institutional clients, as well as credit card partners, whether co-brand or private label. It doesn’t impact the ability of consumers to use their Citi cards at merchants of their choice.

Bans on bump stocks and high-capacity magazines have been a key demand of progressive gun control advocates. But whereas the usual method of activism has been to lobby representatives for change via the democratic process, Citi group is now imposing the change unilaterally — without asking their clients or customers.

Citi promised to “respect the decision” of clients that chose not to follow their guidelines, and “work with them to transition their business away from Citi.” more here

22 Comments on Citibank has gun control requirements for clients and small businesses

  1. By the end of today, I will have canceled my Citi Visa card and applied for a replacement from my bank. I urge all of you with Citi Visa cards to do the same.

    And remember: Visa thumbed its nose at the gun grabbers last week saying that Visa isn’t in the business of interfering with lawful purchases and payment transactions. Does anybody know if MasterCard has made any announcements/decisions about this?

  2. This is bullshit. If banks can decide how our constitutional rights work and when we can practice them, then what the fuck kind of dystopian shithole are we then?

  3. This is a positive development.
    CitiBank has declared for totalitarianism and the subjection of America to the forces of nihilism, socialism, slavery, and death.
    That ALL corporations would be so honest would make it easier to choose with whom to do business.

    We should applaud their honesty while refusing to do business with them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Contacted Costco this morning: Visa is taking over as the exclusive credit card for Costco, which means all other non-Visa credit cards will no longer work. … Other Visa cards will be accepted.

    I have used my Costco/Citi Visa exclusively and pay it off every month. I will be looking at other Visa card options so that I retain the cash back I get by using a Visa card for purchases, but can retire the Citi Visa card

  5. I prefer my firearms transactions to be in cash and off the record entirely but a business can’t survive Operation Chokepoint 2.0.

    Semi-Automatic Erotic Asphyxiation of their cash flow.

    You can still buy alcohol, cigarettes, and gasoline for now until their promise to halt climate change spreads to that too.

    I guess if a company decides to stop allowing their cards to pay for birth control, abortions or confetti for gay weddings then that would be acceptable too.

  6. CitiMortgage was the last one to carry my house loan.

    After paying it off, I swore to avoid anything Citi, if possible. Total uncaring assholes. Even got taunted by one gay guy when I was late with a payment 20 years ago. “You’re going to lose your hOouse.” Said in a sing-sing style. WTF? I wasn’t even 30 days late. I saved their number as “hang up”. Meaning, I would answer and immediately hang up. No chance of even leaving a message. If you block, they just use another number. Never talked to anyone there again until I was asking what the payoff amount was the last few months.

    Citi is the lender for Home Depot Credit. One of my first credit cards from long ago. Haven’t used it in many years. De-activated status, now and will remain so. Eff them. I’ll do what I can to avoid putting money in their pockets.

    If I could drop them again, I’d do it with a letter attached so they clearly get the feedback they need.

  7. Best Practices? Just Leave. Flood their offices to close out your accounts,they have offered help to “Transition” you else where, Id’e Oblige them. Go Credit Union.

  8. This crap is the result of Eric Holder and his organization leaning on these companies to “radically change the gun culture in America”. He said he was going to do that when he was the “HNIC” of the Justice Department. The left is behind this.

  9. Dadof4, I also had a citimortgage and had the same experience. They’re way too quick to file late fees. Guy who answered the phone was an a-hole. Couldn’t wait to pay it off. Wouldn’t do biz again if they were last bank on earth. It is getting harder to find any company in any field to do biz with.

  10. @TheMule March 23, 2018 at 11:36 am

    > If banks can decide how our constitutional rights work and when we can practice them, then what the fuck kind of dystopian shithole are we then?

    The kind where the economy is run by professional financial services providers, unhindered by the political interference of elected officials. It’s almost like it was designed that way.

  11. @Cliche Guevara March 23, 2018 at 11:48 am

    > I prefer my firearms transactions to be in cash and off the record entirely but a business can’t survive Operation Chokepoint 2.0.

    Tell that to Weed, Inc. (Or do you mean a business that isn’t kicking back a double-time-and-a-half vig to the local collectors?)


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