Citing Continued Butt Hurt, CNN Will Be Boycotting White House Christmas Party – IOTW Report

Citing Continued Butt Hurt, CNN Will Be Boycotting White House Christmas Party

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: CNN may very well be the best example of a bloated corpse rotting in the middle ground of the wasteland that is American cable news. And being ground zero for Trump’s criticism of “fake News” and childish journalist nonsense like the recent PieGate, the journalistic snoop dogs of CNN told POLITICO Tuesday it will be boycotting the Trump White House Christmas party for the media this year:

“CNN will not be attending this year’s White House Christmas party.  In light of the President’s continued attacks on freedom of the press and CNN, we do not feel it is appropriate to celebrate with him as his invited guests. We will send a White House reporting team to the event and report on it if news warrants.”

Now I’m pretty sure this news didn’t break any hearts around the White House, and as a hint how the self-important breaking news was received, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted out Tuesday night:

“Christmas comes early! Finally, good news from @CNN.”


19 Comments on Citing Continued Butt Hurt, CNN Will Be Boycotting White House Christmas Party

  1. Golphin – Donate to the MAGA cause and you get offered LOTS of opportunities to donate again where you can be selected for lunch with President Trump, a trip to NYC for dinner with Mr. Trump & Melania at Trump Tower, etc., etc.

  2. Their butts may not have healed enough to allow them any considerable distance walking!
    Perhaps if they are provided wheelchairs with pillows sit on, they may change their tune.
    Allowing them to use handicapped parking allows for deformed rear ends and death above the neck.

  3. CNN had heard a rumor that Santa was going to personally attend the party atthe White House upon reviving an invite from Melania Trump.(Michelle Obama had shyied away from inviting St. Nick in the past because of protest from Peta concerning the reindeer, the advice of labor unions who were working at unionizing the elves and the SPLC,who has labelled Santa as a symbol of White Supremacy.)
    As it turns out, well placed source had obtained the Naughty or Nice List which indicated that CNN staff are getting lumps of coal for Christmas again this year(and we all know how the Left feels about coal).

  4. First honest thing CNN has said in years – they don’t like Trump and they won’t put on a facade or be civil and set their differences aside and celebrate with him for an hour at a party.

  5. Tricking CNN into not coming to the White House Christmas party was shrewd. Well done mister President. No worries about missing china, silver, and crystal. Liquor budget cut in half. Half the Secret Service detail and all the drug dogs can take the night off. No urine streaks on the walls or puddles under the curtains. Don’t have to worry about priceless art stolen or vandalized. No sabotaged cars, phones, computers, or toilets. Maids won’t have to worry about vomit issues. No groping/assault concerns. Used linen will not contain snot or semen. Secret Service will not have to sweep the place for planted listening devices. No concerns about drunken derelicts pissing on the electric fence or passed out in the rose bushes. Official White House dog won’t cower in the corner every time a reporter whips out a microphone. No chance of catching someone in the background cleaning out their ears with car keys.

  6. Remember that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I know DJT’s Christmas party will celebrate that fact.

    Meanwhile, I doubt that any of the CNN reporters know who He is or what He offers them…hint: eternal salvation.
    So they would not be comfortable there anyway. It’s best if these tender snowflakes not attend, lest they melt.

  7. “We will send a White House reporting team to the event and report on it if news warrants.”

    I wonder what those idiots will consider ‘news warrents’?

    I bet Acosta will be there,to drum up some kind of Lefty butthurt.

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