Citizens of Shasta County, California Declare State of Emergency and Demand Certifiable Election Results – IOTW Report

Citizens of Shasta County, California Declare State of Emergency and Demand Certifiable Election Results

Gateway Pundit-

In Shasta County, California, the people have had enough of corrupt elections and demand their right to a certifiable election.

In Shasta County, California, the results of their elections are not legitimately certifiable. Concerned citizens pointed out the following:

“Good Afternoon, My name is Patty Plumb and this is my Husband Ron Plumb and the Date is Friday, November 29, 2024, here in beautiful Downtown Redding, CA. I want to make it clear, first of all that I am speaking as a Concerned Citizen of Shasta County and Not as a Election Commissioner. This Press Release today, is in Response to our Appointed Clerk and Recorder, Thomas Toller’s comments, regarding the Protest and Demonstration here, at the Street Corner, near the Election Office on Tuesday, November 26, 2024. PRESS RELEASE 11-26-24 The citizens of Shasta County are currently being disenfranchised. more here

7 Comments on Citizens of Shasta County, California Declare State of Emergency and Demand Certifiable Election Results

  1. “It’s not who votes, it’s who counts the votes”. Well the peeps in Redding have identified that person and they are not happy. My daughter and her family live about an hour north of there so Redding news is the local news they get. Shits getting real. Redding has previously chased all Cali state Gov out of their county. I guess they missed this clown. It’s powder keg.

  2. This is really the beginning of the end for the Demos. Count on this going Federal as it’s a violation of the 15th Amendment.

    Investigating these voting scams will sens people like Nuisance and Witchmer to jail and disembowel the Democrat party for at least a generation

  3. last year shasta wanted to return the cheating dominion machines and hand count. think they knew what whas coming like huntington beach. hand count shot down as illegal.
    dig those heels in people. my dmv here in norcal has refused to service vehicle registration, but they have every language known to man for illegal voter registration and non citizen services. it is not a valid government authority if citizens do not have local remedy for their services and complaints. the sheriff is the elected official who maintains law and order, could be these outliers are jailed for their own protection. much of norcal is hillbilly when taking the short drive out of the cities. plenty of areas with no cell coverage, no cameras, law enforcement is sparse and plenty of citizens with disdain for all authority. to be clear, mexican nationals seasonally grow pot in the national forests of norcal with no fear of being caught, they patrol their grows with fully automatic ak’s. fifteen minutes in a car and you could be in the sticks.


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