Civil Rights Groups Want Kid Rock Shows Canceled Over Race – IOTW Report

Civil Rights Groups Want Kid Rock Shows Canceled Over Race

But never mind this: Back in 2011, the Detroit chapter of the NAACP gave Kid Rock an award for his work in the community, which is roughly 80 percent African American.


DC: Kid Rock has been selected as the first performer to open the Little Caesars Arena in Detroit next week with a string of concerts, but local civil rights groups are trying to put a stop to it over race.

Kid Rock, whose real name is Robert Ritchie, is a Michigan native and an active philanthropist in the predominately black Detroit area. Despite that, several local civil rights groups are protesting the choice of selecting Kid Rock to open up the brand new Detroit arena because he has a predominately white fan base and has displayed the Confederate flag at his shows.

Peter Hammer of the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights at Detroit’s Wayne State University called the move to select Kid Rock to open the arena as “incredibly tone deaf,” the Associated Press reports.

“Everything is different post-Charlottesville,” Hammer said, referencing the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia last month.

“These are moments where you have to act as a matter of character and state what your values are,” Hammer added. “Everything now is becoming symbolic. That means we have to choose our symbols carefully.”  more here

19 Comments on Civil Rights Groups Want Kid Rock Shows Canceled Over Race

  1. If anyone needs to be stopped dead in their tracks it’s the phonies who cloak themselves in honorable sounding names like civil-rights. Most are as vile as those they protest. They’re usually in it for the money, most do not even know who or why they’re protesting. Soros is behind most of them and the media does his bidding to take attention away from Clinton and Obama felonies.

  2. From his “Amen” song:

    And how can we seek salvation when our nations race relations
    Got me feeling guilty of being white
    But faith in human nature, our creator and our savior, I’m no saint
    But I believe in what is right

    C’mon now amen, amen
    I said amen, amen

    Stop pointing fingers and take some blame,
    Pull your future away from the flame
    Open up your mind and start to live
    Stop short changing your neighbors
    Living off hand outs and favors, and maybe
    Give a little bit more than you got to give

  3. Charlie, it’s from the Rock n Roll Jesus album, which is really good.
    Robert Ritchie wrote the song, aka, Kid Rock.

    If you get the CD, do NOT get the “clean” version they sell at Walmart.
    It is hard to believe a record label allows a monopoly censure their art.
    I made the mistake once, never again.

  4. Loco – I listened to “Amen” on youtube. It’s a *very* powerful song.
    I WANT this man in our government!

    PS: I only buy music directly from the artist’s website or whatever vendor the artist’s website connects to. Screw tha WalMart crap.

  5. Rock should tell the president of Wayne State University he was going to give the university a sizable donation from the money he was to make from the gig. Now that one of their own does not want him to perform they will not be getting that donation.

    Let the walking back begin……

  6. I live in MI but not the east side. Doubt I’d get a chance to vote for him.

    Wonder if this is a preemptive action to label him a racist if/when he does run for Congress…..

  7. Ummm, Half, Jim Crow was for Republicans. Most blacks were Republicans before the Democrats figured out they can keep them ignorant and dependent upon handouts.
    JFK was the first president blacks voted Democrat for in any numbers, about 60%.

  8. The left’s use of language to manipulate is uncanny. “Civil” rights group indeed. Whose “civil rights” is Kid Rock violating? What about Kid Rock’s civil rights?

  9. I moved to Michigan JUST to vote for him! Just kidding, but I will vote for him – PLEASE run!!!

    muddjuice, he is thinking of running against Debbie Stabenow (federal senator). You will get to vote for him no matter where you live. I live on west side, too.

  10. No one has commented on his biracial biological son, which would seem to PROVE that he’s not racist. Detroit can be so ignorant–the joke here is, since the literacy rate is something like 40%, voters just have to learn to look for the capital “D”. Kid has done a LOT more for Detroit than Eminem could ever THINK of doing, BUT Kid (an R) was raised with wealth; Em (a D) was raised in a trailer park. And M&M despises Trump.

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