Claim: Canadian Intelligence Warned Trudeau Chinese Communists Were Funding Political Candidates – IOTW Report

Claim: Canadian Intelligence Warned Trudeau Chinese Communists Were Funding Political Candidates


A Canadian broadcaster has claimed that Canadian Prime Minister just Trudeau was allegedly informed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was directly funding at least eleven candidates in the 2019 federal election.

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) is said to have informed Prime Minister Trudeau that the CCP has tried to exert influence in Canada’s elections and even placed agents in the offices of elected members of parliament.

The information comes from sources who allegedly told broadcaster Global News that the CCP has even gone as far as looking to “punish” Canadian politicians who have spoken out against China or are deemed to be a threat.

Global News claims that none of the eleven candidates has been identified in the CSIS briefings but noted the CCP “interference network” had been active in both Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party and the opposition Conservative Party of Canada (CPC).

The allegations centre around money allegedly funnelled from the Chinese consulate in Toronto to both the federal election candidates and campaign staff. It is said money was transferred by a member of the Ontario Provincial parliament and a staff member of a federal candidate, with at least $250,000 involved. more

10 Comments on Claim: Canadian Intelligence Warned Trudeau Chinese Communists Were Funding Political Candidates

  1. “The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) is said to have informed Prime Minister Trudeau that the CCP has tried to exert influence in Canada’s elections and even placed agents in the offices of elected members of parliament.”

    …which is hardly news to HIM, since that’s how HE got the job.

  2. I did not see the broadcaster named anywhere in the article. I would guess that it is Rebel News or something like it.

    Or, if the pigs are flying and it was an actual Canadian broadcaster in the traditional sense of the word, maybe they don’t want to be named because that would endanger their government subsidies.

  3. Election, or Schumerfy it, “Erection” talk has plenty of attention right now. But what all of a sudden has caused Justin from Canada to flounce on his daybed about the XiComs now? He doesn’t want his precious extradition treaty?
    ‘China calls Canadian minister’s remarks contrary to fact’
    ‘Trudeau ‘has failed to protect our democracy’ from China’s threats, says Poilievre’ – Conservative opposition.
    Same problem here

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