Claim: Dogs Can Sniff Out The KungFlu – IOTW Report

Claim: Dogs Can Sniff Out The KungFlu

I smell bullshit.

CTV News

TORONTO — Creating a fast and reliable test to detect COVID-19 has been expensive and challenging, but new research suggests a cheap and effective solution could be right under our noses — or rather, dogs’ noses.

Specially trained dogs are highly effective at sniffing out the presence of COVID-19 in human sweat, according to a new study, which bolsters existing evidence and suggests that dogs could play a key role in efforts to control the virus.

The proof-of-concept study in France and Lebanon trained six dogs for a month to detect the smell of patients who’d been sickened by the novel coronavirus. Researchers took sweat samples from more than 170 people, about half of whom were COVID-19 positive, and tested whether the dogs could differentiate between sick and healthy patients. more

10 Comments on Claim: Dogs Can Sniff Out The KungFlu

  1. There are a lot of power hungry lunatics that are envisioning and trying to rush in a police state for the entire world. Over a virus that you’d survive 99.4% or more of the time.


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