Claim: Net Zero Corporate Climate Lobbyists are “Disengaged” – IOTW Report

Claim: Net Zero Corporate Climate Lobbyists are “Disengaged”


Guest essay by Eric Worrall

Greens are aghast at the lack of effort from corporations which claim they are onboard with the green mission to save the world from climate change.

Resource sector lobbies hardest on climate change, while net zero backers ‘disengaged’

By political reporter Melissa Clarke
Posted Thu 9 Sep 2021 at 12:01am

Corporate support for government action on climate change is muted in Australia, with the most intense lobbying coming from resources and energy companies calling for more limited change.

Key points:

  • A new study has examined the climate positions and lobbying efforts of 50 major Australian companies
  • Lobbying is most intense among resource and energy companies
  • Companies that back stronger climate action engage in minimal lobbying, unlike their overseas counterparts

7 Comments on Claim: Net Zero Corporate Climate Lobbyists are “Disengaged”

  1. anyone who claims they are onboard with the so-called green mission to save the world from climate change is simply trying to keep from getting pig-piled, boycotted and cancelled by the Left. Years ago Al Gore claimed he was “carbon-neutral”. Not because he polluted less, hell he uses as much energy as a small suburb, but because he bought Carbon Credits. Buy enough Carbon Credits and you can do whatever you want! You effectively pay for the privilege to pollute.
    The term “Net Zero” is not Zero! The word “Net” throws in a murky, mercurial weighting factor that changes with the breeze!

  2. Welcome to the world of publicity stunts greenies!
    If you believe these companies will do anything to harm the bottom line, you’re naive.
    When and if technology is cost effective then maybe they’ll move to the more efficient operations. Not yet.

  3. Climate change/gorebull warming is a gigantic scam, pushed by some people to line their pockets and believed by others because they’re true believers, AKA useful idiots.

    PT Barnum was wrong but only about the quantity born every minute.

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