Claim: Pelosi Won’t Seek Re-Election – IOTW Report

Claim: Pelosi Won’t Seek Re-Election

Conservative Brief: Democrats can see the red wave coming and it appears one of the biggest names in the party may be calling it quits.

Human Events Senior Editor Jack Posobiec said on Tuesday, as a red wave swept the nation, that House Speaker and California Rep. Nancy Pelosi is telling people she is heading to retirement.

“Hearing Pelosi is telling people she is not running for re-election tonight. Doesn’t want to be tied to 2022,” he said.

Last month, a report from The Atlantic declared that Democrats may already have her replacement if they keep the House majority next year. more

24 Comments on Claim: Pelosi Won’t Seek Re-Election

  1. Re-election?

    She SHOULD be seeking a stay from the Grim Reaper! She’s WAYYYYY past her “Sell By” date, or would be if she wasn’t kept alive by baby sacrifices to Pure Evil…

  2. Pelosi loves tormenting political enemies too much to leave. it’s a sick obsession of a sadist. She’ll only leave, heels first, on a gurney with a sheet over her body, as they drag her rotting corpse out of the Capitol building.

  3. Zonga
    NOVEMBER 4, 2021 AT 2:07 PM
    “It’s already arranged kamakaka will pick her for VP.”

    Woah, woah, hold up with that!

    Won’t that make Hillary all murdery and…


    Never mind.

    Carry on with that, carry on…

  4. Re-Election?

    She SHOULD be seeking RESURRECTION!

    But she won’t.

    I know her WELL.

    I’ve kept her around because she served me well all these decades, but I’ve got more USEFUL servants now and that Armageddon thingy to prep for, so it’s time for me to give her the reward I give ALL my most useful minions who think I will share my rule with them…

    …whaddya think, lava? Or lava?

    …I’m thinking lava, up to the nose at least, she will look GOOD in it and that way, I don’t have to hear her bitching and screaming…

  5. The Grim Reaper NOVEMBER 4, 2021 AT 2:18 PM
    “Yeah, but Satan! Let me do my thing first, okay?! Then you can have her.”

    OK, but make sure you DON’T hit her in the FACE with your scythe. It’s so tight and hard that it’ll probably bounce the blade back into YOU and I’d end up with YOU down here instead, and where’s the fun in that?


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