Claim: Protesters Paid In Cash To Disrupt Brett Kavanaugh Hearing – IOTW Report

Claim: Protesters Paid In Cash To Disrupt Brett Kavanaugh Hearing

DMF: Author and commentator Adam W. Schindler interviews three Texas doctors who traveled to Washington D.C. to attend the confirmation hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh. While waiting on line, they say they witnessed protesters being paid in cash to cause trouble in the hearing and in the public line to get in, Tuesday on Capitol Hill. – See Video 

24 Comments on Claim: Protesters Paid In Cash To Disrupt Brett Kavanaugh Hearing

  1. I have NEVER seen any normal folk who had to pay people to act like they believed in their “tantrum of the day”.

    But, as tiring as it is to live with TDS* everyday, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that they have to pay nut jobs to act like THEIR nut jobs…(*TDS=Trump Derangement Syndrome)

    MSG Grumpy

  2. Figures, nothing but a sore ass bought and paid for rent a mob to act like a bunch of petulant children to disrupt Kavanaugh’s initial hearing yesterday before the Senate. This is one of the biggest reasons I despise the left, they just can’t play fair ever. If they keep this up it will be 1968, 1972, 1980 and 1984 redux and they won’t know what hit them (again) as most normal Americans are fed up to their gills with the lefts lets piss off everything and everybody with our infantile and childish tactics of throwing a hissy fit every time someone who they disagree with opposes them. They are utterly contemptible and despicable and need to be turned over a lot of knees and spanked hard (are there any former teachers left out there who have a board of education left to paddle all their sorry asses) till they cry uncle and give it up

  3. I bet the company which supplied Obama with those fake-ass white lab coats for the WH Obamacare photo op, also provided the Dems with yesterday’s stupid “Handmaiden” costumes.

  4. How does Soros keep getting away with these acts of sedition? Much of this can be easily traced back to him yet he’s allowed to continue his dirtywork.
    That POS needs to be rotting in GITMO.

  5. The demonstration yesterday sparks a new low for the democrats. Paid or not, the protests were childish and presents a weakness that the left cannot hide.

    The conduct of the left; pulling a full snit will forever be referred to as a


    If they go all in it is:

    ‘A full blown Kavanaugh’

    Remember Robert Bork???????

    By pitching such a fit the left has guaranteed a red wave in November.

  6. Dems giving preachers and community organizers “walking around money” in vote buying schemes is nothing new.

    However, by my observations, it has moved into the internet with paid comment trolls who are skirting campaign finance laws. Dropping copypasta bullet points everywhere. Tirelessly responding to every single opposing view. Accounts created within the last 1-2 years but 80,000 recorded comments. Coordinated upvoting so that they are the first comment you see.

    That’s a job. I don’t think I’ve left 80,000 comments in 25 years.

    Go to the Washington Post, The Hill, Yahoo, etc. You can’t convince me otherwise. All paid outside of campaign finance laws and with the knowledge of the newspapers who can see if the IP addresses are coming from a campaign, government server, coordinated comment farms here or abroad.

    Link? Source? Insert dismissive “well the Russians have spoken” template here.

  7. Proof, once again, that the socialists have no argument – no agenda – no solutions – nothing but a shameless grab for power. To them the Republic is dead and only the cacophony of their paid “democracy” is relevant. If you caterwaul and scream loudly enough the opposition (assuming an imbecilic placidity) will treat you as one does a toddler and offer you sweets to calm you down. These childish, clownish antics mask a deadly seriousness – a seriousness which will become apparent if (or when) they are able to wrest power from the Americans. Their corrupt infestation of the Security Services (FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, BATFE, IRS, &c.) is no joke and is a mortal threat to America.

    When we tolerate the intolerable, the intolerable becomes, not only tolerable, but the new limit of tolerance – until we are driven to tolerate the even more intolerable.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Psalm 37:12-15 (NIV)

    12 The wicked plot against the righteous
    and gnash their teeth at them;
    13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked,
    for he knows their day is coming.

    14 The wicked draw the sword
    and bend the bow
    to bring down the poor and needy,
    to slay those whose ways are upright.
    15 But their swords will pierce their own hearts,
    and their bows will be broken.

  9. “However, by my observations, it has moved into the internet with paid comment trolls who are skirting campaign finance laws…”

    Which is why, when Chuck Todd tells us that online conservative pushback against the Left is nothing but Russian Bots, we should see his words as nothing more than the usual Dem projection.

  10. Shouldn’t the videos and proof of cash payments by the DNC be sent to the IRS? Every protester who got paid owes income taxes to the Federal government and the DC. DNC is also required to report such expenditures to the IRS!

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