Claim: There’s an ABC Whistleblower – IOTW Report

Claim: There’s an ABC Whistleblower

It is getting very interesting.


I will be releasing an affidavit from an ABC whistleblower regarding the debate. I have just signed a non-disclosure agreement with the attorney of the whistleblower.

The affidavit states how the Harris campaign was given sample question which were essentially the same questions that were given during the debate and separate assurances of fact checking Donald Trump and that she would NOT be fact checked. Accordingly, the affidavit states several other factors that were built into the debate to give Kamala a significant advantage. I have seen and read the affidavit and after the attorney blacks out the name of the whistleblower and other information that could dox the whistleblower, I will release the full affidavit. I will be releasing the affidavit before the weekend is out. LINK

15 Comments on Claim: There’s an ABC Whistleblower

  1. First, of course they cheated. How else could a cackling hyena suddenly get coherent that quickly. She had the questions in advance and she was being fed info through an ear piece. We know that.
    We also know, that at this point she could kill and eat a baby on stage and 49% of America would still vote for her.

  2. Either more and more people are waking up to the evils of the left and speaking out or we have brave people on the right who are taking risks to infiltrate the organizations controlled by the left.
    Both situations require extreme bravery considering what happened to Seth Rich.

  3. Get the questions ahead of time, use an ear piece to supply the answers and you have the making of a cream puff of a candidate sounding somewhat presidential……..the only difference between Pudding Brain and Kamaltoe is he has an excuse for his lack of abilities…he’s old and senile.

  4. NO! Say it isn’t so! The demoncrats CHEAT?

    I just can’t believe ANYONE would expect anything different from the low life, 💩eating, commie bastard, lower than snake turds of the left.

    And I don’t think much of our repuklicans in cesspoolgress.

  5. Assuming this does get released and the house subpoenas ABC News execs to testify to their role in election interference and who among the democrats were their contacts, will there be a second debate?

  6. PDT gets set up every time he had to show up for this staged events. This is his third campaign, and he’s obliged the media seven times now. And six of those times he was set up to “lose”.

    He won the June debate with Biden because they needed to get rid of Biden. If he’d said no to that debate, they’d have called him a coward like they’re doing now. Screw the media and screw Kamala Harris. They need their kayfabe. Trump does not need it. Trump has humored their bad faith more than enough. If he wins, he will win on his message and on his campaigning, not some bullshit rigged debate spectacle, and in a week, everyone will have forgotten this last—and I do mean last—debate.

    I hope Kamala gets cocky and steps out in the sunlight without her caregivers. She’ll remind everybody why they hated her until July, and they’ll understand why she has been hiding.

  7. The debate was pro forma. So is the election. 14 Counties will decide the election, not by votes, but by ballots counted.
    The polls will show a very narrow margin until the election. This will be used to counter the ‘election deniers’ after the steal.

    These people have no plans to lose.

  8. When Trump wins…if Trump wins… It’s all hopium and presto-changium. I can’t get past two facts: 1) The certification will be locked down, 2) Kamala Harris will preside.

    In what scenario does Trump emerge as the winner?

  9. I can’t deny it: I HATE my country.

    It’s trended to disgusting for decades now. The face-piercing, purple haired, proud to be idiotic, irresponsible parenting, drug-addled EMBARRASSMENTS that are most of my “fellow citizens” can have it all.

    Marry your furbabies, abort your children, allow your military to murder innocents globally, be despicable to your neighbors, speak stupidly–oblivious to facts/Scoince/History/Truth, and bend over for your next Quackcine™.

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