Claim: Trump ‘Threatens Mental Health of Young Californians’ – IOTW Report

Claim: Trump ‘Threatens Mental Health of Young Californians’

Breitbart: President-elect Donald Trump is causing mental health problems for young people in California. That’s according to claims by “advocates, educators and mental health providers” who say Californian youth are troubled by Trump’s policies towards illegal immigration, and that they feel targeted by “hate crimes” attributed — rightly or wrongly — to Trump’s supporters.

Jocelyn Wiener of Kaiser Health News, via the East Bay Times, reports: “Around the country, children and adolescents who are undocumented immigrants or who have undocumented family members, are experiencing a surge in stress, depression and anxiety, according to advocates, educators and mental health providers. The same is true for young people belonging to other groups targeted by threats or hate crimes, including Muslim and transgender youth.”

No actual proof is offered, however, either by the “advocates” or Wiener herself.  MORE

23 Comments on Claim: Trump ‘Threatens Mental Health of Young Californians’

  1. If I were breaking the law I too would experience a surge in stress, depression and anxiety.

    Don’t break the law, the stress, depression and anxiety will be relieved.

    Pretty simple, even for illegal Californians.

  2. No…. Living in a great state that is headed towards becoming a Third World Sh!thole at hypersonic speed is a danger to the mental health of young Californians.

    Come on, BIG ONE! Let’s get go!

  3. “You better cave in to all my petulant demands or else I’m gonna wet myself and then… and then … I’m gonna faint. I am, I’m gonna faint! You’ll be sorry!”

  4. 5,000 national guard will be at the swearing in + numerous other LE. I predict craziness, riots, demonstrations blocking traffic, increased black on white crime, breathless hysterical news broadcasters, completely anti-American slanted news and editorials for the next 8 years. It is an hysteria being engineered and promoted. That’s all they got. Even some of my most level headed relatives are afraid of a Trump presidency.

    Please remind me, were there 5,000 national guard present for obama’s inauguration? Was there constant hostility and fear being drummed up by the media?

  5. I wonder if those 5,000 troops will actually have their bolt carriers remain in their rifles – unlike when Obama was sworn in (they were removed from the firearms rendering them totally useless).

  6. Too late.
    Their mental illness is too deep, too ingrained, too much a part of the air they breathe in that mentally-ill shithole.

    LA? Boxer? Feinstein? Pelosi? Brown? San Francisco?
    Too much long-term, historical proof of stupidity, mental illness, and pervasive sociopathy to blame Mr. (Pres.) Trump.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Apparently what made them mentally ill was the liberal indoctrination the received in K-12 as well as on the college campus. Funny part is, their parents paid 10’s if not 100’s of thousands of dollars to have these lunatics in academia turn their children into a bunch of incompetent, unemployable morons.

  8. This is a thing. I work with adilecents in mental health near SF. The problem is that the adults around these poor kids have been telling them lies, including other therapist. Things like Trump is going take mom and dad away in the night, and Trump is anti-gay and will make them convert. I have to be careful but for the most part I tell them the truth. I am a fifth generation California and my kids are 6th. I hope to god my grand children are not 7th.

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