Clarice: The New York Times Signals the End of Biden’s Road – IOTW Report

Clarice: The New York Times Signals the End of Biden’s Road

h/t NAAC

American Thinker:

By Clarice Feldman

In October 2020, prior to the election, Hunter Biden’s laptop was left unclaimed at a repair shop and turned over to the FBI. Yaacov Apelbaum has covered at length the Biden family corruption, their crooked international dealingspornographic images of Hunter and others, evidence of Hunter’s drug use, and the coverup of his and the Biden family’s corruption which he found on the laptop and elsewhere on the internet. (Warning, images in these reports are not for the faint-hearted.)

The New York Post, without all these sordid details and photographs, reported the story in that same month before the election. But in the face of widespread denial, the story got little coverage. It is only now almost two years later, that the New York Times confirms that the Post’s reporting on the laptop was accurate.  more

18 Comments on Clarice: The New York Times Signals the End of Biden’s Road

  1. I hear he’s going to Poland to talk about refugees or something. Maybe that’s where the real end of his road will be. And of course, it will be pinned on Russia..

    Enjoy that bike ride on the beach, Joe.

  2. Retroactive Repeal of the election nationwide. There is a first time for everything. Reason: Legacy media, FBI and DNC all knew about the laptop and chose to cover it up thus influencing the electorate. Paper ballots only. NO drop box’s and all mail in ballots must have a bar code and include validated name and address of voter certified by a clerk.

  3. As the Walsh indicated in his Tweet and as I mention last night, Biden is now doing the Dems more harm than good and now has to go. Hopefully they will either 25 him or impeach him rather than Vince Foster him.

    Watch them impeach him then use that to show that they are the party of integrity.

  4. Excellent Timing.
    16 months too late, Afghan Disaster, Ukraine, several countries planning to switch away from the USA as the world reserve currency.
    Great Job NYT!

  5. So what, tell us something we didn’t all ready know.
    The MSM will give it the usual 29 sec. of air time and it will sound like Charlie Brown’s teacher, “Wah wah woh wah wah”.
    Then tell us how well Bidens done flushing the economy down the the crapper, but with a positive spin, that it’s so good for America.

  6. Neville Obiden Bama will proclaim “Peace in Some Future Time” and fly back home, getting a good, long nap on that long flight with Doktor Jill assuring him that he’s a great President*. We are witnessing history as a living nightmare of corruption, confusion and catastrophe.

  7. RadiomattM,

    Vince Fostering would actually be the must humiliating thing for him.
    Hunter would, if he had one Ounce of Self respect left.

    Have a good day everyone.

  8. @Sorry about your luck…

    It’s turds all the way down with the Democrats, and anyone worse than Biden would mean President Romney.

    The only person I wish were back is Trump.

  9. Did you know
    The speaker of the house does not have to be from the house.
    If Nov elections regain control, Trump could be appointed Speaker and become 3rd in line.
    Congress has introduced a bill that would require the speaker be from the “elected” house. The bill doesn’t have a bill number yet.
    Congressional Bill to Require Speaker of House to be a Member of the House
    Posted on July 20, 2021

  10. The NYT has always been anti-American.
    Nothing new, here.
    News, along with some other things, has a time value – and these Nazi/Stalinists know that – which is why they sat with their thumbs up their asses for 16 months.

    This is a way to pretend that they’re just now waking up.
    The longer we tolerate traitors, the more we’ll have.
    (sorta like cockroaches)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. “^^^^ I don’t think Big Mike & Killary Hinton Get along that well. ^^^^”

    Wrong targets

    It would be Pelousy if 1 And 2 are taken out.

    Or have I misunderstood what you’re trying to say?


    “The speaker of the house does not have to be from the house.
    If Nov elections regain control, Trump could be appointed Speaker and become 3rd in line.”

    That would be fun times, indeed.

    Liberal heads would fry, drool would increase, spittle would fly every time they tried to talk – even amongst themselves. If only smoke would come out their ears signaling total flat brain wave activity has been achieved.

    Much like the anony trolls we have here.

  12. dreams of Trump as Speaker will end faster than you can say “Kevin McCarthy is as big a RINO as Paul Ryan”

    there is no way the RINO’s are going to let their gravy train end w/out a fight

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