Class action challenges legality of more than 2 million Chicago red light camera tickets – IOTW Report

Class action challenges legality of more than 2 million Chicago red light camera tickets


Despite a major settlement earlier this year, the city of Chicago is facing further legal action over the validity of its red light camera program.

Four named plaintiffs filed an unjust enrichment complaint Sept. 17 in Cook County Circuit Court, saying the citations issued under the red light camera program don’t comply with state law or city code. They want the court to prevent the city from issuing further citations stemming from camera use and recover all fines and penalties issued through more than 2 million violation notices in the preceding five years.

The complaint comes nearly seven months after lawyers representing a class of nearly 450,000 plaintiffs secured final approval from a Cook County judge of a settlement with the city, granting what they said was $58 in relief on average for those who received tickets under the program from 2010-2015. While the city directly paid $38 million to settle the lawsuit, plaintiffs’ lawyers pegged the total actual value of the settlement at $125 million, once all city concessions were factored in.  more here

12 Comments on Class action challenges legality of more than 2 million Chicago red light camera tickets

  1. Phukkem. If those two million people are so stupid as to live in the most corrupt city in America they deserve to pay the tickets whether they’re guilty or not. One hundred thousand crooked, unmotivated, nonproductive, politically connected public employee drones are dependent on gullible fools who blindly vote against their own interests.

  2. I have read several times that when red light cameras go in, the time of the yellow light goes down to an unrealistically short cycle. That results in more citations being issued.

    They don’t add to traffic safety. They just add to city coffers.

  3. Although red light camera ticketing schemes are elementary, they represent the first step on the way to robotic and AI law enforcement. Every honest person and lover of liberty should be adamantly opposed to such nascent despotism.

  4. Poor Chicago! It can’t print money like the feds….

    Although it does scream, “Charge It! The next administration will figure out how to pay the bill….” ….Lady in Red

  5. All I think of when I see a red light camera story is the guy who got them shut down in the next town over.

    I don’t remember what law was cited in order to do that….

    …all I remember is that the guy wore a gorilla mask while setting off the cameras. Like…. all of them. All the pics showed a gorilla flipping the bird while driving a hoopty with no plates.

    It still makes me laugh.

  6. I sat in a seminar in Bellevue WA for half a day. Red light cameras were being demonstrated to staff from local jurisdictions and an employee from Redflex was clandestinely advocating shorting the amber phase as a way to increase revenues. They are just too tempting for elected officials and corrupt staff who want to curry their favor IMHO.

  7. To make up the loss, they will probably switch to white line cameras.

    They gov’t doesn’t do with a penny less than they did the day before. They’ll shore up the difference somehow.

  8. This came and went long ago in Alaska, where it was eventually ruled unconstitutional – apart from the fact that people out and out refused to pay the tickets or give up their driver’s license numbers, which you were supposed to do so whoever processed your mailed-in payment could then go in and add the points to your license. Of course, very few people mailed anything in. They knew who got the tickets even without mail-ins, but could not do much without co-operation of the ticketed.

    You read that right – the department that issued and processed the tickets had no access to the database with people’s ADL numbers. That’s a bigly part of how liberty works: separation of government departments.

    It was a great moment in time when we the peeps chased a bunch of greedy Outsiders back to Arizona.

  9. I just got a ticket from a Chicago red light camera a few weeks ago! The speed limit was lower due to being near a park. But here’s the rub: try to find the “park”! It’s nothing more than a small playlot, but it gives an excuse to have the robot camera give tickets to the unwary.

  10. Lisl: up here in British Columbia your (basic) car insurance is your car registration. Yes, the government is into car insurance. And, shock of shocks, it is expensive as hell and they are losing money.

    But anyway, they hold the listed main driver of the vehicle as being responsible whether that person was driving or not.


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