Class-Action Suit Agreement Means Trudeau Can ‘Compensate’ Gay Canadians – IOTW Report

Class-Action Suit Agreement Means Trudeau Can ‘Compensate’ Gay Canadians

[…]  But some see Trudeau’s plan as just another example of how the prime minister panders to his core audience. Upon hearing of the compensation plan this week, Gwen Landolt, the vice president of REAL Women of Canada told The Daily Caller: “Well you know that Justin gives money to all his friends.”

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19 Comments on Class-Action Suit Agreement Means Trudeau Can ‘Compensate’ Gay Canadians

  1. Can’t wait to see the lawsuits over the monument.

    Slightly OT, I see the the latest season of “The Curse of Oak Island” has begun with Canadian bureaucrats trying to get control of the island. Everybody in the govt wants their cut of the action, I guess.

  2. The really disturbing part is that his party is giving him free rein to destroy this country. I called him Obama Lite when he was elected, it is looking more like Obama heavy now.

  3. “The proposed monument will feature a gender-fluid buttocks which will erupt hourly 10 metres in the sky and be named, appropriately, ‘Old YellowBROWNstone Faithful’.”

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