Classified Ukraine documents discovered in Biden’s possession from time of Hunter’s Burisma work – IOTW Report

Classified Ukraine documents discovered in Biden’s possession from time of Hunter’s Burisma work

JTN: According to the appendices listing the documents recovered in the Justice Department investigation into Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents, the president retained talking points and a telephone call transcript with the Ukrainian prime minister from a key period in Hunter Biden’s Burisma Holdings employment.

One appendix also lists a classified briefing on U.S. Energy Assistance to Ukraine, from September 2014, shortly after Hunter Biden had joined the board of the Ukrainian energy company.

These are the latest revelations from Special Counsel Robert Hurr’s report on his investigation into potentially mishandling of classified documents by President Biden. Though Hurr ultimately declined to bring charges, the report has revealed new anecdotes about Biden’s mental acuity and showed that he willfully retained and shared classified documents.

11 Comments on Classified Ukraine documents discovered in Biden’s possession from time of Hunter’s Burisma work

  1. And don’t forget where Captain Ukraine American Majors Alexandre Vindman and twins would have been in that time frame, only to be re-upped to Colonel and Air Defense Ministries and Funding and Planning Operations disguised as an American Military Member with Dual Citizenship.

    THEY Pledge to other flags

  2. It appears that if Biden Robbed a bank, held people hostage (as Biden did with Ukraine’s $Billion dollar IMF infusion of cash, Pay to play) and then lied about it, he would be exempt from prosecution due to his failing mental acuity.

    All one has to do after committing a felony is forget dates and actions of your crime and the prosecutors will choose not to indict you.

    Laws do not apply to the corrupt Political Class, mental acuity or not.

  3. @Open Record State Secrets…

    Glad to see somebody else is keeping tabs on LTC Vindman. Watch out for his twin brother. I have no doubt that Vickie Nuland had big plans for those two in a NATO Ukraine. And they’re probably still on standby for whatever rump state of Ukraine that Russia might leave in place. PDT kicked fat viper Vindman to the WH curb way too late.


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