Clay Travis Is Threatening to Release Voicemail to Prove CNN Is ‘Lying’ After Infamous ‘Boob’ Moment – IOTW Report

Clay Travis Is Threatening to Release Voicemail to Prove CNN Is ‘Lying’ After Infamous ‘Boob’ Moment

IJR:   The media world reacted in outrage on Friday when Fox Sports host Clay Travis professed his love for the “First Amendment and boobs” live on CNN.

“I’m a First Amendment absolutist, and I believe in only two things completely: the First Amendment and boobs,” he said.

As a female anchor. Brooke Baldwin was so offended that after giving him a chance to explain, she turned off her guests’ microphones and ended the segment.

“That was entirely inappropriate,” she said. “I apologize for him, and that.”

However, in a surprise twist, Travis claimed the network had already invited him to come back on Monday, a claim CNN denied in an email to Independent Journal Review.

“CNN is so offended that they already called me and asked if I could come back on Monday,” Travis tweeted. “Too perfect.”  more here

22 Comments on Clay Travis Is Threatening to Release Voicemail to Prove CNN Is ‘Lying’ After Infamous ‘Boob’ Moment

  1. Although Boobs are not mentioned in the Constitution or Amendments, their mention would certainly fall in the 1st Amendment prohibiting or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;

    I am confused, is CNN offended by the first Amendment or Brooke’s boobs?
    I wasn’t offended by either.

  2. I think it is pretty funny.
    Do they think/expect me to be offended by it? Am I to be impressed by the offense taken by people who where ‘pussy hats’ and prance around in vagina suits? Or advocate 34 week abortions? Well, I’m certainly not going to turn on cnn tomorrow to find out what my reaction should be. I’ll just forget about it.

  3. wow…she is SO TRIGGERED by the word, you can watch her melt down LIVE on the TEEVEE……except, ya know, she knew beforehand what he was going to say, because he says it all the time, so she had her “i am so offended” playacting down pat before the broadcast….

    and THIS is why we say…..all together now…

    FAKE NEWS!!!!!

    and then, after that, we say….


    and then, after that, we say……….

    LOCK HER UP!!!!!….snd we MEAN it, Mr President… got our votes because you made certain very clear promises… either DELIVER on those promises, or you admit you are a toadal complete fraud….

    pepe deliver us!!! the power of KEK shall prevail….

  4. Good grief. Talk about a couple of people who take themselves WAAAAY too seriously. Brooke must have absolutely no sense of humor, whatsoever. And the other dude was just playing up to her in faux outrage.

    As a woman, I for one, am proud that boobs have never let Mr. Travis down! 😀

  5. The other guest was only “shocked” because he’s an ass man. Someone posted a string of his tweets in which he refers to a woman’s ass as what he’s most interested in.

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